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  • Re: Copy Workorder?

    well, not sure how i missed that one, I thought I had looked. Anyway, thanks for the explanation, and I guess it&#39;s good to have it for future reference. See, I&#39;m looking out for you future searchers
  • Re: Install error?

    OK.&nbsp; That worked Danny.&nbsp; Must have been a &#39;hiccup&#39; during the original installation.&nbsp; Thanks for your help!&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic Expense Reports (Forum) by SGilljp on 08-25-2010
  • Re: Install error?

    [quote user=&quot;SGilljp&quot;] No, as I said, only the Expense reports and &nbsp;Employees &amp; Vendors roles were added. [/quote] It sounds to me like the app didn&#39;t install correctly. &nbsp;Can you please try and remove the app and reinstall it? &nbsp;To remove the app, go to Customize &gt; My Account. &nbsp;Click &quot;Remove ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Expense Reports (Forum) by Anonymous on 08-25-2010
  • Re: Install error?

    No, as I said, only the Expense reports and &nbsp;Employees &amp; Vendors roles were added.
    Posted to Method:Classic Expense Reports (Forum) by SGilljp on 08-25-2010
  • Re: Copy Workorder?

    &nbsp;Hi Richard, Yes, you can copy work orders. To do so, go to your &#39;Work Order List&#39; tab link and filter the grid to show the work order you would like to copy. Please note, you can only copy Work Orders with types &#39;Series&#39; or &#39;One Time&#39;, it would not allow you to copy work orders with &#39;Occurrence&#39; type. Once ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 08-25-2010
  • Re: Install error?

    [quote user=&quot;Method_Danny&quot;] Steven sent in the following reply via email: &nbsp; Danny, &nbsp; I have only the Expense Reports and Employees &amp; Vendors roles. &nbsp;I am logged in as admin. The Expenses tab is missing. &nbsp; [/quote] Steven, When you check the list of tab groups/roles, are they all not listed as I put in ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Expense Reports (Forum) by Anonymous on 08-25-2010
  • Re: Install error?

    Steven sent in the following reply via email: Danny, &nbsp; I have only the Expense Reports and Employees &amp; Vendors roles. &nbsp;I am logged in as admin. The Expenses tab is missing.
    Posted to Method:Classic Expense Reports (Forum) by Anonymous on 08-25-2010
  • Re: Install error?

    I just updated the post as well. &nbsp;I made a comment about 3 roles being imported. &nbsp;It is actually 4 roles that are imported. &nbsp;:) Danny
    Posted to Method:Classic Expense Reports (Forum) by Anonymous on 08-25-2010
  • Re: Install error?

    Hi Steven, That is very strange. &nbsp;If you have those tabs you should really see the others. &nbsp;Lets check a few things first. &nbsp; Go to Customize &gt; Tab Groups / Roles. Scroll to the very bottom of the roles list and you should see 4 roles created for you: Expense Reports Employees and Vendors Managers Accounting and ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Expense Reports (Forum) by Anonymous on 08-25-2010
  • Install error?

    I installed the beta but the Expenses tab was not added to my Method Account.&nbsp; Only the Process Exepsnes and Approve&nbsp;Expenses tabs are visible.&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic Expense Reports (Forum) by SGilljp on 08-25-2010
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