Hi Amanda,
Is there an optimal configuration for Method use? Computer Speed, Amount of Ram, Internet Speed Up and Down......
Hey Stephen,
I tried the mobile site out today on an iTouch and it worked fine, what kind of mobile device are you using? I was able to create a new customer and work order.
As for the time tracking screen, you need to actually create a mobile version of the existing screen. You are not able to take any Method ...
I tried following the same steps and the 'loading circle' appeared for about 5 - 6 seconds.
Here are a few things you can try to improve the speed. If you're using Internet Explorer, try Firefox. Also opening multiple websites can slow down the speed. For instance, if you are using Internet Explorer for Method and you have 4 ...
Problem: Pop up screen for "Due Start Time" doesn't show the month or provide the opportunity to change to another month
Here's the history of how it happened:
Customer List
Existing customer
Clicked on Entered Grass Roots
Clicked on Selected Grass Roots DE
Clicked on Activities Tab
Clicked on Go ...
Hi Seny,
We are currently investigating this issue and we will respond as soon as we will find a solution to this problem.
Thank you,
Hi Seny,
I am sorry to let you know that currently we are not supporting an insert or update of files into Method tables, through means of MethodAPI. Nevertheless, we are planning to implement this feature in the near future. In the mean time, you will need to omit the “File Attachment” column and upload the files manually, using ...
There is a known issue we are aware of on the Expenses Dashboard where the report list is not displaying any reports. We are looking into this already and will provide an update once we determine what the issue is.
- Danny
To get you started on the right foot with the beta, here are the steps you should take. Note that I’ll be calling “Method Expense Reports” short form “MER” throughout my post.
Subscribe to the MER Beta Forum
Subscribing to this forum group is key element of participating in the beta. If anyone ...
Problem: Loading time taking too long. Here's what I did:
Clicked on Customer Center
Clicked on Customer List
Clicked on Filter by View - All Customers
Entered account name
Clicked Address Information Tab
Edited name of account and contact person
Clicked on Save
Loading the saved info took 1 1/2 - 2 minutes. Did ...
I just tested this out and it worked fine for me in Method. You can select 'Undeposited Funds' as the value from the dropdown on the 'Deposit To Account' field. You can test this out by simply creating a screen based off of the deposit table and drag the 'Deposit to Account' field onto the screen. You can also ...