Hey Matt,
Sorry I wanted to correct my last post, I was looking at another screen. For what you are doing you would want to use "Within Date Range". I am looking into what the advantages are and will post it on here once I finish.
Hey Matt,
I would use "Between" for now, I am getting some more details on this topic and will post more information when I get it.
I am trying to filter a grid so that only items between 2 dates show in the grid. I added 2 Datepicker objects to be my To and From dates to filter within. What is the difference between using the "within Date Range" filter and the "Between" filter? Which one should I be using in this case?
Hi Cindy,
Can you try dragging the fields you have in the Group Header section into the Detail section? Usually labels are added to the Group Header section to denote the name of the fields in the Detail section. Try this out and let me know if it helps.
Also I'm not sure where the 'Filter String Editor' you are referring to is ...
HI Amanda,
Sorry for the delay in checking this out.
3. The time does not get copied over to the second field, only the new date portion.
2. If the "Use today's date/time" checkbox is not checked in step 1 and none of the checkboxes are checked in step 4... when I select a date, the correct date is selected, but the ...
Hi Gita -
&nsbp; means "non breaking space". In other words, its just a space character " ".
Since Method displays text on a web browser, we sometimes have to do things to appease the web gods. Browsers will automatically trim duplicate spaces, so if you ...
What does   signify?
Hello Gita,
For your 1st point, are you trying to only update the existing record? So for instance, if you update Dalal to Dalal 35 then only the name should be replaced but everything stays the same? If so, then you would want to check your actions to ensure you only have Save or Save all sections on that button.
For your 2nd point, is ...
I just wanted to make another comment on my last post. The reports in QB are completely different from the reports that are created with the Report Designer in Method, this is the main reason that we are unable to import the templates.
The Reports that Method pulls over are Financial Reports, these reports can be filtered in Method before ...
At last I got the actions working copy names from one tab screen to another. So what am I missing. There are two problems that is experienced:
1. If I change the name from Dalal (which is already saved) to Dalal 35 and click on Save. There is another entry for Dalal 35 with all other contact in from Dalal. ...