I've created a report with filter within date range. Here's the filter settings.
When I run the report I get the following error message.
The report runs fine without the filter. Any idea what I'm doing wrong with the filter?
We've done our part but the problem is that you are trying to insert times into QuickBooks and the times are before the closing date of the file. Below are just some options you might want to explore:
(1) You will have to temporarily lower the closing date if you want them to go to QB, otherwise it will keep giving conflicts, and ...
I think what I would like to try would be to have your team undelete all of my current conflicts en masse; then I can do a full sync and see what's left. The changes I have made should fix most, if not all, of the conflicts. I have checked Method and in the user tab, Method Support is checked as active.
Let me know if there is ...
I’ve looked into additional resources for you. If you enable the MethodSupport user in your account our team has the option to remove conflicts in mass.
Please let us know if this is something you’d like us to do?
What you are seeing are not errors but rather conflicts that have occurred when Method was trying to send information to QB and was rejected for valid reasons (as per the post above).
To resolve conflicts you must decide between the two options to delete or un-delete. Deleting a conflict will remove that record and avoid trying to send it ...
I have done as you asked with every employee, but I still have 1720 conflicts with the same message. To recap, I checked and then unchecked the use time data for paycheck creation box on all active and terminated EE's in Enterprise, then I did a full sync with Method. Any idea as to why the errors are still there? The message ...
Hey Richard,
Go ahead and try again it should be back up now.
Hey Richard
I am sorry I did post a bad link, I will update this thread as soon we get this resolved.
thanks Ryan, but that link appears to be bad.
Hey Richard,
We are looking into this, to get updates on this topic please check the forum post linked below.