Today we posted a small update of the Method Integration Engine (MEI). Here are the changes:
At the beginning of a Changes-Only or Full synchronization it now clears the list of pending 'On Demand from QuickBooks' changes on that computer. Let me explain: as we detect changes that happen in QuickBooks we take note of ...
Hello all!
I am new to relatively new to Method and have changed my colors in Method. Even though I changed all 4 colors under customize display, the grids still are "Method Green" . Does anyone know how to change the grid colors?
Hi Dave,
I'm looking into this and will update you as soon as I have some info.
Hi Ryan,
Would you please forward your steps given in Webinar #26, Contacts & Advanced Searches.
On Wednesday, June 16th @ 1:00pm EST, Amanda Mahadeo will be continuing with some more advanced actions. Some of the actions include Retrieve Value from Screen, Insert Records into Table, Basic Math and working with Shared Results, just to name a few. She will put together a little scenario using these actions - you don't want to miss ...
Hi Dave,
You may have answered your own question. These are custom QuickBooks fields you have created in QuickBooks not Method. Therefore Method must follow the same properties as QuickBooks for these fields. Your alternative is to create custom fields in Method which as you know can have different properties.
Hope this helps,
Hi Mike,
From the Purchase Order screen in Method if you edit the ‘PurchaseOrderLine’ grid do you see the VAT (sales tax) as an available field/column to add (step 2 of 8)? If it’s there you can customize the screen to use it. If it is not, let us know and we can determine if this is a SDK limitation and get back to you. ...
Hi Mike,
This new feature is now available on our testing environment. Once we do a public publish I'll let you know so you can test it out.
1. I created 5 new custom fields with data in QB and it synced to Method fine.
2. Next I changed all 5 data in Methods, and only 1 of the 5 changes synced to QB. Other 4 ended up in Conflict.
The Conflict message appears to say the Custom Field is not found, but its there. See url ...
I created several new custom fields in QB, and synced to Methods. Those fields limit the data length to 31 characters. How can I make that data field length more than 31 characters? Thanks.