So now were getting conflict messages and they haven't cleared up. From what i understand, my coworker says all she is doing is logging onto method and opening invoices just to check information. She is not editing them at all, just opening it and closing the invoice. Afterwards we start receiving conflict messages. Why is this ...
I was able to install the Method Outlook Plug-In 2.1.29 without any issues (I use Outlook 2007 and Firefox/3.6.3). It works well, however, I've been told by some of my email receipients that they are now receiving my attachments as a proprietary Microsoft formatted "winmail.dat" file instead of as a pdf. The attachments are primarily ...
Hey Bill,
Just a quick addition, if you are currently not using the "Ship To" portion of the address section, you can manually fill this in with the Job Location information.
If you are using those fields already, then you would need to customize the screen with new fields.
Hey Bill,
It sounds like you want to add a few more fields to display the address of the job site. To do this add some fields to the Estimates Table and then customize your Estimates Screen to include those new fields.
You should check out our webinar on Tables & Fields for more help.
Let us know how it goes!
Hi Bob,
By default Method performs a changes only sync every 20 minutes or whenever something is updated in QB/ Method or when QB opens. To confirm whether your engine is performing a full sync or a changes only sync you can go to Customize > Audit Trail and under the Action column do a filter by 'syn' you'll then see either ...
New to Method and probably simple anwser. I hope!
I need to know how to put in estimates where billing address will show as the main office but the service location where work to actually be done will be shown on the estimate also.
Didn't want to leave you having a conversation entirely to I'll chime in :).
Can you share with the Method Community what the source of the problem was and the eventual solution - so that if anyone else has the same problem they'll get the solution from reading this forum post?
Ignore me - I've got it sorted!
I've been through the Forums and have discovered the "gmail works" threads posted for Kevin.
I've tried gmail and yes it does work. works great!
But all of my team use Google Apps - and our own domain
BUT we use the google email system - it's just that it has our domain ...
HI Ryan
How's it going - here's the scenario:
1, What steps did you take to cause this problem.
New PC - Windows 7, Outlook 2007. Installed Skype Toolbar first - then Method.
I've disabled the standard Microsoft addins from OUtlook 2007 and that seems to have resolved the issue.
The issue that initially triggered the ...