When you deleted the screen Invoice(2) it also deleted the Invoice tab-link since it was no longer going to be referencing any screen.
When you click the GoTo link on the grid it uses an action called ‘Go To Tab Link’ which basically redirects the user to the Tab and link specified. Since the Invoice tab-link is no longer ...
Hi Dave,
That's great that you put in new functionality. That's what great about the developer community we enjoy fostering with Method.
I'm interested to know about the functionality you added, as I am sure other solution providers will be who have clients who manufacture - how is your functionality ...
Dave -
The purpose of the Method API is provide developers with a way to access the data in Method, as well push data into Method. This allows developers to create *their own* user interfaces, using *their own* code, and have that interface interact with Method.
The purpose of the Method API is *not* to provide ...
Thanks for the reply and info.
The purpose of an API is to enable developers to perform functions without having to manually log in. Requiring manual login into Method before this API can run appears to me it defeats the whole purpose of the efficiency of APIs. Please explain why you decided to ...
Yes I mean ItemInventoryAssembly. I just call it BuildAssembly (BA) for short.
Thanks for the reply that Method does not have BA Copy/SaveAs, and QB does not have that feature either.
Its common for QB users to have a BA item with 200+ parts. If they need a similar BA Item but just ...
Hey Kevin,
This error is showing because Method cannot find a Customer/Vendor that this Opportunity is assigned to. Click on "Clear & New" and fill in all of the required fields. If you entered in a customer it should save fine. If you still get the message, contact your business consultant and they can look into this ...
All Fixed - did not realize we had messied a step in the process - reviewed the recorder webinar and figured it all out!
thanks - Kevin
Hi Jacob,
The batch invoicing option that is available on QX desktop is different from how it is in Method. It is possible to do it in Method, however you'll have to follow the steps I outlined earlier.
Greetings Method Folks -
We keep on getting the following Message when tying to creat a new Opportunity -yet the field that it is asking to be filled Does Not Exist - therefore we cannotenter any New Opportunities.
Anyone at Method see this before??
'CustomerRef' is required field when saving a record.
Please make sure the field ...
From customer list to transactions when I push the go to next to the proper invoice number it gives me the error