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  • Re: API "MethodAPIGetScreenURLV2" not working

    Dave - The API&nbsp;call works as it&nbsp;is intended. The URL you provided in your email needs to be HTML decoded.&nbsp; So where you see &quot;&amp;amp;&quot; in the URL, you need to do an Server.HTMLdecode to convert it to &quot;&amp;&quot;.&nbsp; This is pretty standard if you are receiving and sending data via XML. Please note, however, ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 04-26-2010
  • API "MethodAPIGetScreenURLV2" not working

    &nbsp;We are trying to use the API &quot;MethodAPIGetScreenURLV2&quot; to open a Method screen.&nbsp;&nbsp; It is not working well for us. &nbsp;It opens to the Method/Build ASsembly screen we asked for, but all the fields are blank, with no dropdown for selection.&nbsp;&nbsp; Questions: 1. Is this API fully functional, and IOTW may not be using ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by DaveS on 04-26-2010
  • Re: Adding Doc Management to Customer Portal

    I agree! The new document feature is pretty slick. The third-party portal is simply a group of screens under one Method tab for your portal. You can easily customize those screens to include a button that will perform document upload / attachment functions. The HTML code should be generated for you. The current third-party portal screens were ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 04-26-2010
  • Re: Triggered Text Change

    Greg, Can you please let me know if this is still an issue for you?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 04-26-2010
  • Method @ 2010 Houston User’s Conference in Houston, Texas

    After a long winter in hibernation, Method is finally back on the road again this May, and I&rsquo;m very excited about it! &nbsp;Method will be appearing at two conferences in the month of May, with our first stop in Houston, Texas on May 12th for the Houston User&rsquo;s Conference. The Houston User&rsquo;s Conference will be held at the Crowne ...
    Posted to Blog (Weblog) by Anonymous on 04-26-2010
  • Re: Ipad

    Glad to hear you are developing for iPhone. I finally picked one up yesterday at an Apple store, and the process was very groovy. Walk in get checked in by a rep with an iPad. A sales rep meets me, brings my new iPhone and completes the whole process in 3 minutes, credit card swipe(on the iPhone no less), entering and checking customer info, ...
  • Adding Doc Management to Customer Portal

    Hi, Love the document management feature added to Method.&nbsp; I&#39;m using it with documents associated with cases I&#39;m working on for clients.&nbsp; However, currently, when clients use the third-party customer portal on my website, they cannot add a document (like a screen shot or other document) when they ask a question.&nbsp; Do I need ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by BSP-Tim on 04-24-2010
  • Re: Inserting/Loading Alternate Contacts

    &nbsp;The Beta looks nice.&nbsp; I gave it a try and it had a file not found sort of error on the upload.&nbsp; I need know what are the key fields that&nbsp;I need to use with the INSERT API&nbsp; to add Alternate Contacts to existing QB Customers. Thanks, Palmer &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Palmer on 04-23-2010
  • Re: Truncate Table

    Brian - even with the import / export tool it is still importing one record at a time and validating as it goes.&nbsp; In terms of performance increases, you are right&nbsp;that a DELETE * FROM TableName would be the most efficient SQL to run against it. Since Method, in general, is made for non-programmers, this is something we are staying away ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 04-22-2010
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