I am using the MethodAPIInsertV2 interface to upload/transfer several hundred QuickBooks matched contacts from an ACT database into Method.
EntityType=’Customer’, EntityRecordID=767, FirstName='Joe' AND LastName='Test' to upload into the 'Contacts' Table.
I get an error of: ‘The field EntityType or ...
Hi Paul,
I was taking your advice from this post
I found a way to do it by using Method actions--
Start Loop Through Grid
Delete Record From Table -- Record ID equal to Value From Row RecordID
Start Loop Through Grid
Seems to work...
I like the batch import idea, is ...
By the way - if you are looking to import data into Method, you might want to take a look at the new Import / Export tool we just launched into beta yesterday. It's pretty awesome. See
There is no clear or purge function (scary to have such a thing!). But there is MethodAPIDeleteV2. This lets you delete one record at a time. You need to know the RecordID of the records you want to delete first though. So you would have to retreive those using MethodAPISelect_XMLV2 or ...
Is it possible to truncate a table using the API?
I can get the data into a table, but I want to clear it first.
Dave -
It's good that you are very familiar with QuickBooks. That will help out a lot.
The BuildAssembly table is the *same thing* as what you see in QuickBooks when you go to Vendors > Inventory Activities > Build Assemblies. The Method API is just a way for you to populate what you see in that Build Assemblies screen ...
Use the action in Method called ‘Assign Value To Action Result’. Give the action result a name such as ‘resultScript’ and Type In a value for the script. Basically paste the script here.
After you save the action, be sure to order it somewhere before the action that Generates the Report. Refer to my previous post to ...
Thanks for the add'l info, very helpful. I'm very familar with how QB BuildAssemblies works, have created and used many assembly items. What I'm trying to learn now is the intricacies of the API, DB and DB Tables and process.
I understand both ItemInventoryAssembly and ...
OK, sorry to sound like a newbie, but how to you create a script. I am referrring to your "Assign an action result to store the script." I can't find a create script function.