Another thing to try is go to your screen list, and click "edit" for the screen you created. Once the screen loads click on "Save & Close" and try to view the page again using your tab links.
This will republish the page for you, based on your error I think this is all you need to do.
Keep me posted.
Thanks - I tried your fix and it failed. When the web page is loading after logging in the following message appears in the log-in page:
Re-generating Screen PBP Contracted
Services....Please wait.
Ted Michael
Hey Michael,
I think I might know what’s wrong. If you go to the screen list (located under customize) can you find your screen?
If you find it click on "View" and see if it shows correctly. If it does, close this window. On your tabs(at the very top of the screen), right click and you should get a pop up message ...
Ok, I'm officially hooked on the Ipad... Signature capture for credit/debit transactions, beautiful presentaton abilities for sales/technical uses, easy google maps/GPS, and only for ~$800 for a 64GB 3G version with $30 month/unlimited. Heck, that's saving $360/yr in wireless costs right off the bat. Beats our laptop systems hands ...
My screen that I was editing is missing after I edited it and publish - saved and closed. It still shows up in the customization screen and all of the datat is still there but is blank when tab is selected???
The screen is poolsbypoyescreenID321.aspx
error message from method web site:
XML Parsing Error: no element found
Location: ...
Using both Mozilla and IE, I've tried downloading and installing the Outlook plugin. An initial private beta install worked and showed up in Outlook. Up/downloaded info between Method and Outlook.
Since then, after 2 weeks the plugin disappeared from Outlook. Using the newly released public beta 2.0, A reinstall, repair, ...
Hi Mike,
Glad to hear you were able to get this working. That would totally explain why you were not able to get the connection to work with Method and the API.
In terms of picking a specific calendar that you want to sync with, this isn't something it can do right now. Normally the default Outlook calendar is what the ...
I will look into this and post an update later today.
Thanks for letting us know about this.
Time tracking in Method now benefits from the new, snazzy timer object. This timer object not only looks cool, it is extremely efficient and effective. Check this out.
You enter all your standard information like Date, Name, Customer, etc. After clicking the “Start Timer” button, your timer starts ticking away ...
Hi Danny
Thanks for this - traced the issue. In the api set-up you can't simply use the "field for Outlook" selection - you need all fields selected to make Outlook Sync v2 work.
Also - secondary question
We have now synced to the main Outlook Calendar on our first user. Is it possible to select a specific "Method" or ...