Hi Justin,
Sounds like most of what you are doing sounds correct, but I have an idea what might be going wrong here.
How are you actually adding the dropdown object to the screen in question? It sounds like you are adding a generic Dropdown, and configuring it to reference your 'Customer Discount' field. If ...
Can someone please make a recommendation regarding the best device or setup to use for doing work orders in Field Service Manager on 3g and LTE areas with no wifi access?
Thank you
Audisho, the only thing that's preventing us from making that move is the lack of SQL override. And we've been itching to make the move. I'm sure we are not alone in this... are you guys going to be souping it up a bit? Is that why it's taking so long?
Hi furrywombat,
Unfortunately, not yet. You can use the expression builder for more basic things like showing multiple fields in a single column or basic math calculations, but it's certainly not as flexible as the SQL override feature in classic.
Hi there,
Do you have any good tutorials on how to add a drop down field to a screen?
I'm currently in the process of creating a new dropdown field under our New Opportunities screen called "Customer Discounts" (obviously to keep track of any discounts we've provided to our customers)... I've ...
Thanks, Audisho. Quick question regarding Method New -- have you implemented custom SQL fields yet?
[quote user="furrywombat"]
Would be nice if we could do a Clear All on a filtered list or checkbox selection, rather than having to click, click, [...]
This is already a feature on the Method New sync conflicts screen. You might want to try resolving these conflicts from there instead.
Well, it's just kind of a pain to have to sort out the DeleteFromDesktop conflicts from actual conflicts requiring attention. Would be nice if we could do a Clear All on a filtered list or checkbox selection, rather than having to click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, ...
Is this something new? Or has QuickBooks always manually closed sales orders after they've been fully invoiced? Lots of synchronization conflicts popping up, telling me that a sales order cannot be synced because it is manually closed, but is already fully invoiced. Is this a Method setting, or a QuickBooks setting?
Hi furrywombat,
The ountingConflicts (AccountingConflicts) table does not support modifications via the API, so this is not possible. In my experience, any DeleteFromDesktop conflicts resulting from transactions being archived are cleared up on their own once a full sync has completed. If this is not the case, I suggest getting in touch with our ...