I would suggest contacting your Business Systems Consultant / Rep. If you do not know who that is, please contact us using our toll free number.
That got past the first error, but now I get:
Warning: Could not start QuickBooks / QuickBooks is closed
I have quickbooks Pro 2010 opened with a company file opened. Was there any other set up that needed to be done to set the Quickbooks version or company file to work with?
Welcome to Method!
You should be able to refer to your Welcome To Method Email which will contain your Company Account name. This should not contain spaces and you should also ensure you have not copied the period at the end of this name from the email.
You can also contact your Business Systems consultant directly. Their contact info should ...
Thanks for the update. The following response was sent via email.
The issue I was experiencing was connectivity. It would not connect to the Method servers for Sync. It appears to be solved at this time. I disabled the secondary NIC card on the server as some programs are confused by two NIC’s. I will follow up if this does not ...
I am trying method for the first time, and am using a qb sample company. I have quickbook opened and the company opened. But when I try to connect using method, I get the above error.
I am using quickbooks pro 2010 and windows 7
Thanks for any help you can give!
When entering a customer or vendor into QuickBooks, you already have the ability to add contact information for the main contact, as well as one additional alternate contact. Is this sufficient? What happens when you have more than one contact at that company such as the accountant, manager, VP, or sales rep? In this day in age ...
Hi Amanda
We are also experiencing the same problem but instead of a day behind it is reporting tomorrows date - being in Australia I am used to being a day ahead of Nth Americia but not two days ahead. I have also emailed you our company name.
Now the dates are also wrong in quickbooks. For example: employee birthday is now off 1 date in both Method and Quickbooks.
- Jonathan
Thank you for your assistance. This error just so happened to be the one that the thread op had stated.
- Jonathan
Haiden, we have updated your account, kindly complete a changes only sync and let me know if it works. You can do this by right clicking on the Method Engine (the little m) icon in the system tray, Synchronize > Changes-Only. Note: QuickBooks has to be opened to the correct company file in question.
Jonathan, we have also updated your account, ...