I have a screen that has a Dropdown of our CUSTOMER list. In the Action area of this text box I have added under "TEXT CHANGED" some Retrieve from Table" commands to auto populate the address, city, st, zip boxes on the screen. This works fine. I pick a customer and it pulls the address info from the Customer ...
Well, I don't know where February went, exactly, but let's pick up where we left off, from a slightly different angle. I've created a new email template *today* called "Welcome Providers" that we want to send out to new dealers when they join our "network." (So this is a garden-variety email template, not a ...
I looked into the option of us having a public section for screens/templates. The reason we do not have this is because we would not be monitoring the screens/templates. Users could upload any screen for other users to import, this could be a security issue for some people. We have decided to leave it to our users to talk amongst ...
Thank you! I was able to copy and edit the invoice screen to remove all edit/delete functions on the invoices. Is there a way to block all deletion and editing from the quickbooks data files? I do not care if the users see the qb info but I don't want them to edit/delete any quickbooks financial information ...
I just wanted to add a bit more to this post.
If you want this information to be saved in Method, then you will need to add Fields to the table so you can add them to the screen. If you want this to show up on a printed version of the WO as well, you will need to also update the report template to include the fields.
If you only ...
Just to add to my previous post, you may also want to consider removing the ability for those users to be able to add/edit records on grids, by editing the grid preferences. Also you can place users into groups/ roles this would allow them to see certain tabs and hide others. For example, you have a Sales Team that should only be able ...
Hello and welcome to Method!
In that case you might want to consider copying the invoice screen and then removing buttons such as save, save & new and delete. You can then set it so that when those users log in they would see the modified screen and wouldn't be able to update the transactions. Please go through our webinars ...
I am looking into this and will post something shortly.
That’s even a better idea! If you use the report designer, you will not need to customize any screens, only the report template. You can find more about how to use the report designer by checking out the video's we have posted on our blog section.
Below is a direct link to the blog titled "3 steps to becoming a report ...
Can you please e-mail me your company account that you used to sign up for Method so we can reset this for you? My e-mail is