I successfuly installed the latest version (after uninstalling and then reinstalling). By default the install used IE even though I use Mozilla for everything else.
No appointments syncronized, I am sure because they are all old (I am terribly behind on calls). Can't wait to change the settings to further in the past and see what ...
[quote user="Joe Woodard"]
Very interesting thing happened. When I used Mozilla to download and run the installer it would not work. When I used IE it did. Anyone else have a problem with Mozilla? I have the most recent version and have run all Mozilla updates.
Hi Joe,
I suspect this might have to do with how the ...
I am in the "Add Projects" tab and can not save.. I am getting an error telling me that I need a contract amount.. I would put one in if it were available to update. I had to go to the "Project" tab to add new information. If I try to add a new Project from the "dashboard" I get a "could not run ...
Very interesting thing happened. When I used Mozilla to download and run the installer it would not work. When I used IE it did. Anyone else have a problem with Mozilla? I have the most recent version and have run all Mozilla updates.
Thanks Paul . . it's OK for the delay. But I'm glad you posted because I have a conference call with my client tomorrow morning and he'll be asking what I have found out.
To be completely honest I haven't spent enough time digging into anything to have an educated opinion of it . . . i bought a new computer last weekend and ...
Sorry for not replying sooner. I didn't see your reply.
FYI - Method has a report designer. It's pretty powerful. I would say it is comparable to what you would get from MS Access reporting.
.....Method can do a lot!
doh.. you got me for a min...
yup, haven't played with it yet, but i like the graphical snapshot..it's pretty and looks like it will be useful.
It's ALWAYS been there.........same as Call Center >> Solutions and Call Center >> Cases!
Just kidding - we just launched it. Danny's going to be doing a blog entry about it soon. There are a bunch of goodies coming out.
Did you see the new ...
When did the documents tab arrive on the SalesCenter/Oppourtunites table? have I been missing it for long? is it functional?
It was on my list of feature wants so i'm very intersted!
Method has been slow today. I've not tracerouted to see if it's network related. Not having issues with any other web sites.
Howzit been with others today?