Ryan - Thank the team for me. And I believe *you* are my business consultant, are you not?...
I have not done any customization on screens. I double checked just to make sure. I copied the screen as you suggested but the problem persists when I create an invoice. Still shows "$0.00". I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with creating the job start and end dates before the current date ...
Issue has been resloved.... I did a complete uninstall of both quickbooks and methods... reinstalled and it all works again?
Hi Adam,
I'm unable to replicate the scenario you are encountering with the invoice being $0.00. Have you done any customization to the FieldService_AddEditWorkOrder or FieldService_CreateInvoice(s) or Invoice screens? Can you try copying the original 'FieldService_AddEditWorkOrder' screen and then try entering work orders and ...
Thanks for the quick response.
I have indeed read both the Field Services Quick Start Guide and the Method CRM user guide and they have been very helpful. I made sure to go step by step before contacting you.
When I enter the "job line item" I do indeed enter the "amount" and when I hit update, the "total ...
Hello Adam,
I like your approach of learning the software before using it in a real business scenario. :)
I'm not sure if you have read the Method Field Services Quick Start Guide, if you haven't then I strongly recommend you do since it would answer most, if not all your questions. You can access the guide by clicking on the following ...
In a Customer List I have added a new section called 'Invoice Line Items'. My goal is to have a grid which shows which items a particular customer has purchased.
First, I created two new linked fields in the InvoiceLine table called 'FullNameLinked' and 'SalesRepLinked'. These grab the respective info from the Customer ...
I am trying to learn the software before I start using it in real business scenarios;
Therefore, when I schedule work orders, I am making sure to set both the "due date start" and "due date end" to days and times before today's current date to simulate a job that has been created and already completed. I ...
Hey Lee,
So our development team did some hard work yesterday and coded a fix for this. The field actually operates different then the other fields in this table, and our sync engine was not able to pull the data over. We have now updated the sync engine so it will be able to copy these values over to Method.
To get this update, you will ...
Hey Val,
After speaking with you yesterday, I uninstalled the application and re-installed and still getting the "Application cannot be started. Contact the application vendor." Error message?
This happens when I try to open QuickBooks and methods trys to launch, Happens if I go to start->Programs->methods and try to open, and ...