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  • Re: Account Lock-out

    &nbsp;Thank you for the response, and I will send the information.&nbsp; However, as a note, I am fairly confident that I have been entering the correct password,&nbsp; I have not changed it since the set-up and had been using it earlier today until this issue occurred. Thanks again.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Selectsg on 11-21-2009
  • Re: Account Lock-out

    Selectsg - Can you email your company name, address, and phone number to method at As a security precaution, if you enter the wrong password 5 times in a row it will lock you out.&nbsp; Not sure if that&#39;s what happened, but I can look into it for you. Paul
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 11-21-2009
  • Account Lock-out

    I am a new&nbsp;Method user, and I was working on set-up and customization today (Saturday, 11/21).&nbsp;&nbsp;After&nbsp;adding some users (non log-in type), the system has locked me out.&nbsp;&nbsp;When I attempt to log-in&nbsp;it does not recognize my user name (the admin log-in with which I have logged in many times), and when I try to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Selectsg on 11-21-2009
  • Re: Bug? - Grid Columns

    Sorry for the piss-poor explanation... life has thrown a few things my way i&#39;m not coping with at 100%. Screen: New Activity (Copy) Object: Custom Grid dragged onto screen. Grid is based off a custom table that i created called ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Joe on 11-18-2009
  • Re: Bug? - Grid Columns

    &nbsp;Hey Joe, One of us is starting to slide, I tested this out and I was able to get the show message to work, I did the following: Copied the Customer List screen Edited the Customer column and added a show message on select Save and close.. and when I tested it, it worked fine. Let me know the steps you&#39;re taking as well as the screen ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 11-18-2009
  • Re: Backups

    &nbsp;Hi Richard, In the event that you would like to backup information within Method then you can add a button to a screen and add actions to export a grid onto an excel spreadsheets. Method servers are hosted and managed by Rackspace you can read more about them by visiting
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 11-18-2009
  • Bug? - Grid Columns

    Grid -&gt; Columns -&gt; Actions link. When adding events to a grid column, such as the select event (not to be confused with the select link), the column data becomes clickable. Upon the click, the actions under the &quot;Slect&quot; event should be ran. I put a &quot;Show Message&quot; action under EVERY event type. Under no situation does ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Joe on 11-18-2009
  • Backups

    Are there provisions for backups or our Method CRM data ?
  • Prospective new "neighbor"...

    Greetings, al! We&#39;re about to pull the trigger on becoming a new Method CRM customer (we were abandoned by Entellium after Intuit bought them, then closed them), but before we do we&#39;d like to get some feedback from other customers. Public feedback is welcome; private can be sent to me at We&#39;re a small ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by TogsTeam on 11-17-2009
  • Google Wave integration

    I&#39;ve been playing with Google Wave and was wondering if anyone has or is thinking of integrating it with method?
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