I think you are referring to the grid views that are currently on the Existing Customers grid. These ‘views’ do not actually copy customers but instead filter the list to show only those that meet filtering options applied.
If you are looking to modify or create new grid views, follow the steps to edit the gird and in Step 3 of 8 ...
In regards to wanting to set up your own types:
The Type field is really the CustomerType and is based off the CustomerType table, editable on screen: 'Customer Type'.
If want more types to be available than what is already there, you will need to view the screen -> Customer Type.
Here you can
add more types ... when you do this, ...
"... radio button on the customer's main screen that we can click to inactivate that customer..."
There is already a checkbox on one of the sections in the customer list for setting IsActive.
Checked = True, Unchecked = False.
"..Would it automatically inactivate that customer in Quickbooks or would we have to do it ...
Hi loveheals.
"..we would like our active customers in QB to be sent to proper dropdown list.."
I would suggest the following steps if you are referring to a dropdown and not a grid:
1. Go to the screen editor (Tab:Customize -> Click Edit on Screen your dropdown is on).
2. Go to the dropdown on your screen editor (or place it on ...
How do we add a radio button on the customer's main screen that we can click to inactivate that customer but keep all their info? We would like to have all inactive customers to be moved into their own list in our dropdown filter menu in the Customer List.
Since our Method syncs with Quickbooks automatically, what would then happen with ...
Our Method syncs with our Quickbooks customer list, we would like our active customers in QB to be sent to proper dropdown list in Method based on their customer type, the inactive customers we would like to be sent to a dropdown list named "Inactive". How do we achieve this?
Currently all of our customers are listed under only All Customers in the Customer dropdown list. We have several categories in our dropdown menu that I need to copy some of the customers into. I need to most of these customers to be copied to our Wholesale list in the dropdown menu. How would I do this?
We have a module build on our OS Commerce PHP system that exports all customers automatically. How would our programmers be able to have this automatic script export the customer info directly into method?
Our method syncs in real time with our quickbooks. When a customer is designated as Lead Status No in Method, what kind of accounting form (Sales Order, Invoice, etc) will it create for that customer in Quickbooks?
Hi Ryan.
Just to let you know what I was thinkin in my head about this. <- just brainstorming.
New Action: ADVANCED->Run Process.
Example setup screen for this action:
Run Process
This action executes your text via the system console buffer, prefixed with the START command.
START [ TextBoxForMyText ...