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  • Re: sync conflict error

    My client entered the estimate items with their quantities. QB has cost in item list so that was pulled up. After he got all the line items in, he chose another item called subtotal. This line item subtotals the estimate and puts that amount in the cost column. Also, this estimate was generated in QB and looks like it&#39;s been viewed and ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pholcer on 10-02-2009
  • Re: show/hide action

    Ryan, Thanks for the reply. After you hit show, hit hide again. On my screen it shrinks down to a tiny box. If you&#39;re still unable to replicate, let me know and I&#39;ll send screen shots. Thanks!!
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pholcer on 10-02-2009
  • Re: What does this mean?

    &nbsp;Ok, here&#39;s a play by play for what I did: I created the dropdown field &quot;PayrollItem&quot;&nbsp;for the Employee Screen. That one worked fine. I then tried to create a Class dropdown field for the Employee Screen. I selected the dropdown value in the wizard and then got to the end and it gave me an error. I tried to create it ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by WynneCrest on 10-02-2009
  • Re: Xora to Method FlexField Mapping NIGHTMARE

    To attack this space problem, I tried a new approach: I tried to create a whole new set of FlexField Values to see if the problem was with my &quot;Item Listing&quot; FlexField. Therefore, I created a FlexField named &quot;Service Item&quot; and hand typed all of the values and then used the Excel API to upload the Mapping to the table--GREAT ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by WynneCrest on 10-02-2009
  • Re: keystroke search having troubles

    Phillip, This update is now in place and should allow for normal typing. For Firefix you will have to remove any caching and for IE you may have to refresh the page. Val
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 10-02-2009
  • Re: Xora to Method FlexField Mapping NIGHTMARE

    Paul, The missing grid listing your Xora users was not displaying because there was an error with the grids table. Somehow you were able to enter a duplicate field into that table which was giving you errors and preventing the grid from generating a proper view. After removing the duplicated field from the table the grid was able to generate a ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 10-02-2009
  • Re: Sending emails to leads

    Also tried sending out the template as an activity - send email.&nbsp; Can&#39;t find the SEND button.-&nbsp; I see now that I need to Save and complete. Have been able to send out emails from individual activities.&nbsp; I have a picuture imbedded in the email.&nbsp; The first couple tests I sent out retained the picture.&nbsp; Now when I click ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Michele on 10-02-2009
  • Sending emails to leads

    I am trying to get up to speed quickly on this and got stuck. First I am finding &#39;fill list with&#39; extremely slow.&nbsp; I am asking for &#39;is active&quot; - &quot;lead statusonly&quot;.&nbsp; I have been calling it then working on other stuff until it populates.&nbsp; Is there something I can do to speed it up?&nbsp; also can I stop a ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Michele on 10-02-2009
  • Re: Designer Not Maintaining Formated Fields

    John emailed the following question: &ldquo;You said that we cannot do report formatting in fields because the current version of Report Designer does not do HTML, but that the new version will&hellip;&nbsp;&nbsp; Any status on the next release of Report Designer?&rdquo; Hi John, Surely you can vouch that (1) we do consider all customer ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 10-02-2009
  • Re: Xora to Method FlexField Mapping NIGHTMARE

    I HAVE NEVER HAD SO MANY PROBLEMS WITH SOMETHING IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Ok, so I was trying a work around by creating a new flexfield list and remapping everything for &quot;Service Item&quot; instead of &quot;Item Listing.&quot; (Which I used the API Excel sheet to upload and it worked great)&nbsp;Finally,I got all of my data changed in Xora, test ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by WynneCrest on 10-01-2009
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