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I created a test customer in QXPRESS and two estimates. Two days later I found several hundred duplicates of these two estimates in the customer record. I'm scared to proceed with implementation, not knowing how that happened.
Maximum request length exceeded.
This is the error I am getting while trying to save my estimate in the report designer.
Help! Please! I made alot of changes. I already tried save as to a different name.
Hey Phillip,
I think this is a problem caused by the copying of the screen, I am looking into this and will update you tomorrow.
You're on the right track, "OnScreenLoad" event would trigger the actions when the user logs into a session. In case you want a certain screen / tab to be loaded when a User / Group logs in then you can also review this older post -
Hope this helps.
Hi Joe,
Thanks for your feedback, I've submitted it as a suggestion to our Development Team. We believe this would be very useful, however, it would be a little tricky since the various screens can be based off different tables and other factors would also have to be considered. This is something that we would ...
Just wanted to know if it was possible to have actions run when an account is entered.
-- I log into method as [JohnsonMech..] [Joe Kidd] [xxxxxxx].
-- Session startup actions run.
-- First tab/screen loads.
Only way i can think of getting close do doing something of that ...
I was wondering if it is possible to copy a set of actions from a field/object on one screen, to a f/o on different screen ?
So far I can only copy actions from a f/o on screen, to another f/o of the same screen.
I have several non-posted transactions that are not correctible. How can I delete those from the server?
For some reason the screen is throwing the transaction into the non-posted transaction list. When I look at that list (non-posted transactions) the amount is not showing up on the transactions still. So the data is not going over to QB.