Hi Phillip,
If by actions sets you mean actions that are grouped together, for instance, all the actions that make up the screen load for the receive payment screen. Then when you click on Edit for an object or field and you get to the Step where you can enter Actions, just click on the "Add Action" button. You will then be taken to a ...
Looks great!! I will have my clients look at the customer list for updated account balances after the sync is complete.
At a quick glance, it looks good from my end as well. Thanks much for your work on this!!
Hi Josh,
I'm looking into this and I'll update you when I have some information.
Hey Phillip,
So I've tested it out on my side and it seems to be working now. If you make an overpayment, you will be prompted with a message asking if you want to overpay. Once the payment is saved, it's pushed to QB then QB sends back the data for credits.
In order to see the credits you need to make sure that QB is open so it ...
It was brought to my attention this week that we need to do a much better job at telling everyone about all the features we keep adding!
A little background: we were at the Midwest Accounting & Finance Showcase in Chicago this week, and we were lucky enough to be picked by Greg LaFollette for his walking tour where he brings a large group of ...
Today I'm able to do it! I must have been doing something wrong... :)
BatesCoughtryReissLLP is the account name. I beleive I am following your instructions but not getting those results. If you could look at the account I'd appreciate it.
Disregard. Found it! Thanks!!
Would love more info on action sets...what they are...what each one does. Any info?
What would cause a field to gray out?
I've seen it happen intermittently on the receive payments screen but usually signing out resolves the problem.
I'm running into the same thing on another screen but signing out isn't resolving the problem.
Any ideas?
It is the amount field.
Hi Ryan,
We have updated this as well, so if you edit your start and end times for your calendar it show up correctly now.