You may have some caching of the page in your browser. Can you do this in IE.
1. Go to Tools > Internet Options.
2. Make sure you have the General tab selected at the top of the pop-up (by default it should be).
3. Select the Delete... button in the Browsing History.
4. Only check Temporary Internet files checkbox.
5. ...
Why would my Method Push Status say Not Connected? and how do I connect it? The changes I post do not automatically appear I have to manually synch or wait until the regularly scheduled changes only synch.
I've been having the same problem since this weekend. I currently use the Qxpress Online module.
Whatever I'm doing, when I try to save after 2-3 minutes I get the security timeout. If I try to relog in with the timeout screen my username/password don't work. I then have to click on Sign Out and log back in from the Method ...
Thanks Paul,
We are aware of this setting and will updating this as soon as possible.
PHP's Nusoap is a little tricky with array within array.
Here is the format I was able to pass in the array. Using the 'key' as the datatype allowed the array to be passed in.
//use the nusoap library
$client = new ...
The Report Designer has been tweaked to work with Method, hence the name Method Report Designer. Sub Report is a feature in the Report Designer but is not currently or rather not yet supported in the Method Report Designer. We can see how this can be useful, so it may be something that we add in the future.
Hi Phillip,
The bill payment screen is actually designed that way. The idea behind it, is that the amount be entered under the expenses or items section. Once entered and the entry is saved then the amount of the bill will be updated with the matching amount as entered for the expense /item. This is smart way of doing it to avoid pop ups ...
I've seen it a couple times on the receive payments screen but haven't been able to replicate it since.
The screen I'm seeing it on now is bill payment screen. It looks like maybe the amount can't be inserted from that screen. It's graying out like it's read only. Won't let you insert.
Hey Jim,
Let’s have you confirm what your security time out settings are, Click on Customize > My Account > Minimum Minutes Method is idle before asking for login: Double check that this settings is higher than 10. A good setting on this would be 20 - 60 min depending on your use.
One more thing I wanted to know is; what ...
Jim S. submitted the following question:
I have the Full Blown edition. When I go to any tab, I can view it, but when I go to add a new activity, I get a popup that says Security Timeout - please sign in. If I enter my Admin login and password, it tells me "User Name / Password could not be found for this session. Please ...