It was brought to my attention this week that we need to do a much better job at telling everyone about all the features we keep adding!
A little background: we were at the Midwest Accounting & Finance Showcase in Chicago this week, and we were lucky enough to be picked by Greg LaFollette for his walking tour where he brings a large group of ...
Today I'm able to do it! I must have been doing something wrong... :)
BatesCoughtryReissLLP is the account name. I beleive I am following your instructions but not getting those results. If you could look at the account I'd appreciate it.
Disregard. Found it! Thanks!!
Would love more info on action sets...what they are...what each one does. Any info?
What would cause a field to gray out?
I've seen it happen intermittently on the receive payments screen but usually signing out resolves the problem.
I'm running into the same thing on another screen but signing out isn't resolving the problem.
Any ideas?
It is the amount field.
Hi Ryan,
We have updated this as well, so if you edit your start and end times for your calendar it show up correctly now.
Hi Ryan,
We pushed out the update, the calendar ruler now reflects the correct time as per your time zone. Thanks for pointing this out :)
Hi Reisa,
I just tested this out on my end and it worked fine. I verified the item cost by going to Home > Items and then I found the item there. I then clicked on the Go to.. link for the specific item, the cost is entered on the left side under "Sale and Purchase Information". The markup is calculated by taking the ...
When I add an item to an estimate the cost comes in under the markup field instead of the cost field. I get this on every item and with different QB files. I don't see any mention of this in estimate questions. Is this a Method error or am I missing the obvious?
In working on a Bill Payment Screen, I was looking closer at the receive payments screen. I noticed on the receive payment screen, there is an action set used on the advanced screen properties (#7). At the screen load, the AR TextChanged action set is called.
In doing the bill pay screen, there is no ap textchanged action set available.
I was ...