Where does the accounts and dollar balances that appears in the Methods / Home tab / Chart of Accounts come from?
Does it come from:
1) Methods ACCOUNTS DB
2) A copy of the Chart of Accounts and balances from the user's QuickBooks on their PC?
3) Some where else?
On my QuickBooks there are 7 transactions for Misc Expense, but only 6 of those appear in the Method TRANSACTION database. The Method option for transactions is set to ALL, so all transactions should be there.
Why is 1 of the 7 transactions missing from the Method DB?
What can I do to find out what ...
During this week’s webinar, Valbon Shabani will continue with the next instalment on actions in Method. This level 2 webinar will cover additional actions within Method from a variety of the action groups.
So how do you join and participate in the webinar? Simply follow the directions listed below.
Title: ...
Is it possible to customize user login & logout page with customized logo?
(default page is )
I think customized login page can be done with customer portal, but
I assume that the customer portal is limited to add/edit data but view data only.
Hi Christina,
It is now available on the blog.
I have missed webinar 3, will it be available to view soon ?
Hi Keith,
I just checked my Chart of Accounts and I saw negative balance with a minus sign infront of the amount. Have you checked QuickBooks to see how it shows up there? Just to confirm we are looking at the same screen, I went Home > Chart of Accounts in Method and compared it to what I have in QuickBooks. You can also confirm ...
Maybe I missed it but where is the negative/postive indicator for amounts in Methods? On Methods the dollar amounts in the Database or Chart of Accounts do not show a Negative/Positive indicator. For example our Accounts Payable is ($500). but it appears in Chart of Accounts as $500. So its unnecessarily difficult to know if the ...
Hey Garry,
Since you have done most of the customization I would suggest booking some consulting time with your Business Consultant. You are missing an action somewhere.
Did you create the “Save & New” button yourself?
If so try creating the table again using the feature that creates the screen for you.
Hey Pamela,
I am still looking into this and hope to post an update tomorrow sometime, please check back then.