so far the sales receipt issue looks good. will test Monday onsite with client. Thanks much!!
I am unable to replicate the error on my workstation. I'll check Monday at the client's location. I'm encouraged!! :)
Thank you. I'll run through it today. I told them I would be back at their location Monday morning to try again. Thanks for all your work on this guys!!
In our second Community Webinar, Valbon Shabani will introduce you to tables & fields in Method. This webinar will focus around defining the different types of tables and fields and creating new tables and fields for use in Method.
So how do you join and participate in the webinar? Simply follow the directions listed ...
Hi Phillip,
We’ve pushed out the update, now you should be able to tab over to enter new line items in Sales Receipt and Invoices and it should work perfectly. :)
Hi Garry,
We have pushed out the update with a fix for the Time Zone difference you were experiencing. Brisbane doesn't accommodate for Daylight Savings Time, so that's why the calendar was off. Please uncheck the Daylight Savings option by going to Method under Customize > Display to Apply Daylight Savings Time, by ...
Thank you for working with us today and showing us the pattern you went through to duplicate the issue. The next update will have this – which could be as early as tomorrow morning.
As we talked about on the phone this morning. The same issue was occuring on invoices. I'll wait to hear from you guys when the fix is run through testing.
Thank you all for your work up there!! If I run into this again, I'll drop you the details. In the meantime, like we saw this morning it is working now.
I'll wait to hear from you on the sales receipt/invoice line item issue.
Thanks again!!
Hey Phillip,
We’re going to get on top of this for you. While it is true that, as you pointed out, we are unable to duplicate the problem in-house, we are dedicated to finding out the source of what your client is experiencing, and to getting a solution to you shortly.
I will be in contact with you this morning, and ...