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  • Re: Journal Entry - what is the correct way to enter the JournalEntryLine

    &nbsp;Keith, It doesn&#39;t matter if the debit and credits are on the same line or on different lines. What matters is the total of line items for Debit equal to the total of the line items for Credit once the Journal Entry is saved. If they are not the same Method and QB will give you a warning you cannot save the Journal Entry. You can see ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-09-2009
  • Re: Insert error on journal entry

    &nbsp;The Account is a dropdown field and so it must find the appropriate record id of the value you are trying to insert for the account name before the insertion of the journal entry line item takes place. Can you post the code you have when you are creating the arrInserFieldsArray and&nbsp;arrInsertValuesArray.&nbsp; Thanks, Peter
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-09-2009
  • Journal Entry - what is the correct way to enter the JournalEntryLine

    &nbsp;Can anyone shed some light on how the JournalEntryLine should be formatted in a API rrequest? Do both debit and credit need to be entered in the same JournalEntryLine api request? Or do you have to enter seperate JournalEntryLine for a debit and then a credit? &nbsp; Thanks
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Keith on 07-09-2009
  • Re: Printing Reports

    Hey Don When you&#39;re printing you have been using File &gt; Print option from the sounds of things. The Sales Order screen does not have a Print Preview button, this is something we are aware of and plan on addressing. A work around would be to place a button on the screen with a &quot;Generate Report&quot; action. When using this action you ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-09-2009
  • Re: customer portal

    Phil, Change the iframe code to:;Name=CRM_Customer_Portal&nbsp; instead of:;amp;Name=CRM_Customer_Portal Paul
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 07-09-2009
  • customer portal

    I&#39;ve run into a snag on the customer portal. Here&#39;s what I did in my demo account. 1 - Built a demo customer 2 - Set up their username and password 3 - copied the html code from the portal customization screen 4 - built new blank web page on my website 5 - pasted the iframe code only &lt;iframe&gt;........&lt;/iframe&gt; 6 - when i ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pholcer on 07-09-2009
  • Re: additional blank page on report

    &nbsp;Hey Phillip, What are the steps you&#39;re taking when you try and use the copied Estimate Report, I was abe to do it without an error. When you&#39;re trying to use the copied Estimate Report, make sure you fill in all the options for the action &quot;Generate Report&quot;. If you don&rsquo;t configure it correctly it can cause this to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-09-2009
  • Defaulting a tab and section to open when logging into Method

    Laura asked: I would prefer that when I log into Method I am immediately taken to the Activities tab where I can see my current activities as of today or older. How can I accomplish this?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-09-2009
  • Re: table linking

    &nbsp;Hi Phillip, You would need to create some sort of relationship between the 2 tables. So an option for you would be to add a dropdown in the new table referencing a field on the existing table.&nbsp; Once this has been done then you can add linked fields since the relationship has been created. To help you further, since you are a Solutions ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-09-2009
  • Re: Insert error on journal entry

    I have copied and pasted this post from the Method General&nbsp;Q&amp;A to the MethodAPI Q&amp;A section. Going forward, please ensure that any Method API related questions be placed in&nbsp;that&nbsp;category. Thanks in advance!
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-09-2009
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