Here's an error I get when I use your Master Tables.
Failed at Context=138. The Master table (Entity) Cannot make a relationship to a child table (CartInfo) because the tables are joined by a field (CompanyName) that does not contain a unique value.
I'm trying to print out a "one sheet" customer info page and I'd like to pull information from multiple screens. I was unable to link the Customer Master Table with our CART INFO table. Is there a way to add a second "dataSet". We have dataSet1 with cart info and customer but I need our custom customer ...
Hi Phillip,
Cases where any table that has a balance that is calculated by other records.
For example, a customer has a balance. That balance is affected by payments, invoices, credit memos and sales receipts. So for instance, if the credit memo is updated and QB is closed then the customer balance wouldn't be updated until ...
OK.. i think that answers my question...I was getting portal users mixed up with the paid users. Let see if i get this correct...In an example if I have a Starter edition there is just one user that can logon and is paid for, but I can have x number of portal users viewing their account and this is billed based on the rate you said. The ...
Hey Keith,
First I'd like to clear up something, The Customer Portal does come with the Starter Edition.
Ok, so to break down the 3rd Party Portal. When a User logs into the portal, they are billed 15 cents per 5 minutes. The portal is a great way for your clients to be able to log in and check on Company Account information. To give ...
Hi Phillip,
In that case, you can change the BeforePrint script on the CheckCents object to:
Private Sub OnBeforePrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs)
dim intCents as ...
Ok.. that helps.. not sure I fully understand this reply for a question. Does this mean you bill for any time in a 3rd party portal. if so can you give me an idea of how much and when is this billed. Thanks
Reply was: Your Portal Users are billed based upon amount of time spent in the Portal. Portal users do not sign in the same way. A ...
Hey Keith,
Welcome to Method Keith, I hope your finding your way around the website ok. We have a lot of information on our forums and within our blogs.
To answer your questions,
Starter Edition
1, For any edition of method the starting price includes 1 Admin user.
2, API's will work with Method as long as you have the screens the ...
Hi.. I am new to Methods and it looks like a great product but I am a little confused about the diff. versions.
Starter Edition:
1. For the starter edition .. how many users do you get for the basic price of $25?
2. For the starter edition are all the methodsAPIs available to communicate to methods with?
3, Can you create 3rd Party ...