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  • Re: Importing Bills

    James, so long as they total up to $0, it really should be fine. Let me look into it from our end.&nbsp; I tried an example of $100 positive, and $100 negative and it worked perfectly.&nbsp; Perhaps with the number of items and number of expenses, it is getting upset somewhere. I&#39;ll let you know what I find out, but in the meantime, keep ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 07-01-2009
  • Re: receive pymts not posting

    &nbsp;Hi Phillip, I just tested this out on my end and it worked fine. Try clicking on the refresh buttons on the Customer List and the Invoice grids, see if the balances are updated then.&nbsp; Keep me posted.&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-01-2009
  • Re: Importing Bills

    Yes there are negatives on the Expense side. Basically they use the Bill to do Job Costing because we run their payroll. So they charge the accounts they need to based on a particular job&#39;s department and taxes. Then they withdraw the total amount from the bank account that pays those expenses. In this scenario, the bill will always total ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by jobcostingjames on 07-01-2009
  • Re: Importing Bills

    Sounds to me like there is more to it that meets the eye (but thanks for the screenshot!). I think you would get that if you total up all the Expense lins, and total up all the Item lines, and the sum is not 0 or greater. Are there any negative expense lines or negative item lines in there? Paul
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 07-01-2009
  • Re: Importing Bills

    Hey Paul, Here is the image I received while in Method &nbsp; Thanks! James
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by jobcostingjames on 07-01-2009
  • Re: report for writing checks

    &nbsp; Hi Phillip, Talk about timing, we have already created this in the &ldquo;labs&rdquo; and were waiting for the dropdown update from earlier this week before we started pushing the screens out.&nbsp; We haven&rsquo;t pushed them out yet, but if you you&#39;re in a&nbsp; hurry I&#39;ll give you a hint on what you can do. ;) Import the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-01-2009
  • receive pymts not posting

    When I receive a payment under the following circumstances, it is not posting to the customer list properly nor is it posting to the invoice itself. I uncheck auto apply I selected the individual invoice I wanted to pay Then I selected update After that I selected the button &quot;pay selected invoices&quot; Then I hit the &quot;save&quot; ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pholcer on 07-01-2009
  • Re: Importing Bills

    That shouldn&#39;t be a&nbsp;problem.&nbsp; Method still uses QBXML in the back-back-back&nbsp;end. We don&#39;t restrict bills from going to QuickBooks that are 0 amount due. Just make sure you add the line&nbsp;items.&nbsp; It won&#39;t send a bill that has no items or expense entries on it.&nbsp;&nbsp;That&nbsp;is against the ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 07-01-2009
  • Re: Importing Bills

    Thank you for the Quick Response Paul! I was doing some testing and just noticed a problem. The bills we are sending are already paid (i.e. a $0 due amount). When using QBXML, I can import this with no problem. However, it appears that Method is not able to send a bill with $0 in the AmountDue field. Is there a way to get around ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by jobcostingjames on 07-01-2009
  • Re: Importing Bills

    James - We&nbsp;don&#39;t have an example of bills.&nbsp; But there is an&nbsp;example of&nbsp;a web app that inserts an invoice.&nbsp; You can get the sample apps here: The idea is that you would use the MethodAPI Insert function to insert a Bill.&nbsp; This would give you ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 07-01-2009
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