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  • Re: Text Near Text Box on the screen.

    Excellent!&nbsp; So glad to hear this.&nbsp;&nbsp; I find myself using this trick a lot now myself when designing screens in Method, and it really does make a difference. Glad to be of help. Paul
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 06-05-2009
  • Re: Importing Leads

    &nbsp;Ok.&nbsp; Figured it out. Problem:&nbsp; There were comma&#39;s contained in one, and in some cases, two fields.&nbsp; The comma creates a separate record.&nbsp; This was a problem in both the Name field where I was entering them as &quot;Last, First&quot; and in the Company filed where there some&nbsp;listings such as &quot;ABC Company, ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by DBMeador on 06-05-2009
  • Pull information from one screen to another

    I have a &quot;Call Report&quot; Screen and it has a &quot;Field Service Report&quot; Section, I also have a Field Service Report Screen. I create a Call Report and save it.&nbsp; Then after, if someone goes out to the Field to work on something related to the Call they create&nbsp; a Field Service Report. Then I have to manually cut and past ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Wavetec on 06-05-2009
  • Re: Text Near Text Box on the screen.

    Paul, this totally works.&nbsp; thank you so much for posting this.&nbsp; my screens look soooo much nicer now. thanks, Wavetec
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Wavetec on 06-05-2009
  • Re: My users are having Screen Resolution issues

    &nbsp; We were all using IE, but it didn&#39;t autozoom at all.&nbsp; We have since switched to Firefox and it seems to work better but the font is very blocky where as IE is very smooth and looks better but doesn&#39;t function right. Also I found out that when we run a report in IE we had to hold down the &#39;ctrl&#39; key to keep the pop up ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Wavetec on 06-05-2009
  • Re: Importing Leads

    &nbsp;Ryan, I realized that after I posted the above, added the name field, and get the same error one number higher (25 fields, 26 records.) ?? Also, I&#39;ve tried eliminating various combinations of columns to see if one in particular was causing a problem.&nbsp; I got the import to work with the&nbsp;Name and&nbsp;LeadSource columns ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by DBMeador on 06-05-2009
  • Re: Only 50 items in a dropdown list

    Is there a way to have the drop down list sort the list from Z to A, in reverse order?&nbsp; This particular list is for &quot;Call Reports&quot;, we only need to see the last few Reports on the dropdown list.&nbsp; but it shows reports 1 - 10 up to 50.&nbsp; I&#39;d rather have reports 99 - 89 down to 50, because the first 50 will be old and ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Wavetec on 06-05-2009
  • Re: user add to dropdown list

    What I want is to have a user be able to add to the drop down list.&nbsp; currently it comes up with a list of users i have put into the system.&nbsp; If for some reason, a different name needs to be put in that section then I want the user to be able to override the list and just type in a name.&nbsp; is that possible?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Wavetec on 06-05-2009
  • Re: Importing Leads

    &nbsp; Hey Dale, The field your missing is the &quot;Name&quot; field. When you use this application you need to make sure you include all required fields. On this table your required to have the &quot;Name&quot; field. To see what fields&nbsp;are required go to the tables screen and open the table. You can see the checkmark for required. Try ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 06-05-2009
  • Re: Importing Leads

    &nbsp;Ok...bringing the off set discussion back to the forum... After emailing the list, here is Ryan&#39;s response: Dale, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Paul sent me the spreadsheet you submitted for us. It looks like some of the column headings are not actually fields on the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by DBMeador on 06-05-2009
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