On sceen "customer Info" I have a button to create a new activity. The button stores the customer full name into a shared action, then executes show pop-up screen "New Activity". In the onscreenload of new activity screen, it verifies the data and enters the full name it into the customer name ...
How do you market a product that is the Swiss Army Knife of QuickBooks-integrated apps? I can tell you, it is quite a challenge since Method breaks Marketing 101: find the one core benefit of your product and focus all your marketing efforts on explaining that benefit. Now, with all the things Method does, I have to wonder whether ...
An update...
This post relates to both the post directly above and my post entitled "Auto-Complete" from a few days ago, which Paul responded to. I just discovered that auto-complete does work, in a sense, because if I continue to type the name I want until it is the only one left in the drop-down box and then hit Tab, even ...
The message is indicating the login and password is incorrect.
Can you login into Method on the web site. If you can, use that login information when you make the web service call. If not click the Retrieve Password link on the Method Login page.
Thanks, Paul. You have described my issue accurately.
I am currently working on entering all time spent into QuickBooks through the Method time tracking interface. However, a problem surfaced this morning that has me a bit baffled, since I had not noticed it before today. As I fill in the fields on the time tracking screen, a drop-down list is displayed that is filtered by what I am ...
QuickBooks only requires you to assign a service item to a time entry for purposes of tying the resulting payroll transaction costs to a particular sales item. If time is spent that is not billable, there is no reason to track time against a specific service item, and thus, none is assigned. However, I am finding that Method is not ...
Hi, I got the excel file used to upload a lead database into Method. The given columns are:
First Name
Last Name
Is Lead Status Only
In addition to these data, I also need:
I have added these additional column and paste the data, however when I want to import the data into Method, it gives me the above ...
Hey Greg,
What web browser are you using when accessing Method?
You mention you have done a lot of customization work, is this happening on original method screens, your custom screens or both? Have you imported any of our industry specific apps or added extra tabs? The bottom scroll bar has been disabled by design but we have noticed if ...
Hi Greg,
You are right, by default the maximum number of items that can be displayed in a dropdown list is 50. The reason behind this is page load time. For example, if you had a list of call numbers and you wanted to get to the items containing '70' you would start to type and items containing those numbers will filter to ...