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  • Field Service Table

    I want to add fields into the add / new sceen for Field Service.&nbsp; How do I add fields from the customer table into this screen? John&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by jallen on 03-09-2009
  • Error in step 4 installing Integration Engine

    When I tried to install the Integration Engine I&#39;d got the error: PLATFORM VERSION INFO &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Windows &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : 5.1.2600.196608 (Win32NT) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Common Language Runtime &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : 2.0.50727.42 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.Deployment.dll &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
  • Re: Adding Custom Table to Screen

    Okay, so let me see if I got this right.&nbsp; You went to Customize &gt; Tables / Fields &gt; Customer and added a dropdown field to the Customer table.&nbsp; Then you went to Customize &gt; Screens &gt; Customer List to edit the Customer List screen and the field isn&#39;t appearing in the Toolbox to the left?&nbsp; Is that right? If not, ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 03-09-2009
  • Adding Custom Table to Screen

    HI! I know you just spent forever with me on the phone this morning, Kristopher, but I have questions. I told you I would! I setup a drop down table that I want in my customer Customer List screen. When I go to insert it, it&#39;s not showing in the box on the left hand side.&nbsp; What did I miss? Thanks! &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by hdevito on 03-06-2009
  • Re: email server address

    Okay, so I had no problem sending out an email based on a text change using the action set that you gave me: Here&#39;s what I did: I copied the Customer List screen. Using the Text Change trigger on the Email field, I added the Send Email action. For Subject: &gt; Type In &gt; I entered: Sample Email. For Email To: &gt; Type In &gt; I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 03-06-2009
  • Re: email server address

    &nbsp;In the Customer list screen I edited the properties for the email field. In step 2. I selected&nbsp; add action. Event = text change. Action was send email.&nbsp;&nbsp; As far as action properties go&nbsp; subect is value from screen (customer:Customer) Email is type in&nbsp;&nbsp;( a gmail address) The email from is a type in&nbsp;(my work ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by andrea on 03-06-2009
  • Re: email server address

    Hi there! Can you please provide me with some more info about this error.&nbsp; I&#39;ll need to know how you are handling this, in other words, the action set that you set up in order to identify when the client&#39;s email address changes, the actions that you&#39;re using to send yourself the email notification, etc. in order so that we can ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 03-06-2009
  • email server address

    I am trying to create a situation where when I client&#39;s email addresses changes, I&nbsp;recieve a notification via email. I&nbsp;verified our email server&nbsp;address with our outside IT company.&nbsp; When I test this function I receive the following error: Error^Action Sequence:1. Error with connecting server;socket timeout to connect ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by andrea on 03-06-2009
  • Re: Inserting into Customer table

    You need to have the &quot;Name&quot; field. Would be more useful if it told you the name of the field that was required, wouldn&#39;t it?
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 03-05-2009
  • Inserting into Customer table

    I am trying to insert a record into the Customer table. The only field I am trying to use is Lastname. When I attempt to do this I get an error saying &quot;Not all required fields are present.&quot; According to the Customer table, the only required field is RecordID and I assumed that would automatically be added. What am I ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Matt on 03-05-2009
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