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  • Re: Character Function Issue

    Your logic sounds correct to me, Rod.&nbsp; Are you able to get the Character Function action to work using this logic? &nbsp;Regards,
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 01-12-2009
  • Re: APIUpdate- Dropdown fields

    Hey guys - one thing I&#39;ll add before going further on that is check the table the dropdown is going to.&nbsp; Make sure the values are unique. Since you are using the API, I could see you doing something like creating a new table, populating it with all the values and creating a dropdown in another table that references this new table.&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 01-12-2009
  • Re: MethodAPI v1.1 update - ability to add new tables and fields

    Hmmm....hard to say what the original problem was.&nbsp; We were getting a few error messages from the API, after it was first released, which we were quickly able to solve.&nbsp; Not sure if those errors had anything to do with you, so we&#39;ll keep an eye on it. For the customer screen, yes, it is confusing.&nbsp; Since the Customer is ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 01-12-2009
  • Re: APIUpdate- Dropdown fields

    Hi Matt, We were looking into this over the weekend and it appears from initial review that there may be some corruption in your database.&nbsp; If you don&#39;t mind, can you please create a user for me and send me the info in a private email so we can go in there and clear your database of any corrupted files? Thanks!
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 01-12-2009
  • APIUpdate- Dropdown fields

    Is there anything special that needs to be done when updating a dropdown field? I&#39;ve tried passing both the field value and the recordID in the array and either way I get an error that says &quot;xxx could not be found as a possible value to insert. Please check the spelling. &quot; Any ideas? Thanks,
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Matt on 01-09-2009
  • Re: MethodAPI v1.1 update - ability to add new tables and fields

    Paul, I Deleted all the fields nad tables I created through the API and tried it again, now I&#39;m not having any problems. Got me? &nbsp; On a related note (I think, because I didn&#39;t notice it until after using the create table and create field calls).... When I go to customize the customerlist screen, there are fields available to put ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Matt on 01-09-2009
  • Re: Character Function Issue

    &nbsp;Kristopher, &nbsp;I actually got the Character function idea from you as an answer to &quot;Creating a Subset.&quot;&nbsp; Maybe the best way to handle this would be to test my logic of what this function does. &nbsp;Select value: Action Result ArmAcct&nbsp; (The data to start the process) action: Yes?No: starts with ?&nbsp; Yes/No: ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by RodM on 01-09-2009
  • Re: Character Function Issue

    Hi Rod, We probably won&#39;t be able to reply to this until early next week, but we will put this in priority sequence for response and in the meantime maybe you can provide us with a&nbsp;bit more info.&nbsp; We appreciate you listing the info you entered into the wizard, trust me that helps us immensely!&nbsp; What is the ultimate goal ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 01-09-2009
  • Character Function Issue

    I have created a Character Function with the following information: Select Value:&nbsp; Action Result&nbsp; ArmAcct action:&nbsp; Yes/No: starts with ?&nbsp; Yes/No: starts with ?&nbsp; Type In Armenian Action Result name: ArmError After saving it and opening it back up the information has changed to: Yes/No: starts with ?&nbsp; Action ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by RodM on 01-09-2009
  • Re: MethodAPI v1.1 update - ability to add new tables and fields

    Hey Matt - Both Peter and I tried it here and couldn&#39;t duplicate the problem. Everything worked fine on our end with no messages. Was it a certain table you were having problems with, or all tables? Does it happen every time? Paul
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 01-09-2009
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