The process for adding sales rep info to the Quote report should be very similar to the steps taken above. The difference being you will want to add a linked field using the SalesRepRef. Keep in mind if you’re looking to expand the list of available fields from the SalesRep table, you have to add them there first by adding a linked field ...
Hello again!
Okay. Well I'd first note that you'll want to open the conditional statement first, then perform the Basic Math Calculation since the calculation is a function of the condition. Then you would close off the conditional statement. But my concern is really that you're trying to apply this action set to the ...
One of our customers from the U.K. asked me this question directly, which is a very appropriate question for the forum:
"I have data that is usable, but it shows in $ not £, how can it be changed, and also the date is not in the correct dd/mm/yy format?"
We are currently working on conversion capabilities, but we ...
i have recently downloaded and have started playing w/ method..
i have a question though on if the add invoices based on sales orders or estimates
is going to be implemented like the quickbooks ui and also the recieve materials against purchase orders?
We are still looking into this for you and will respond ASAP.
Thanks for your patience!
What I did was go to the sales order screen and edited the total amount field. I added a basic math function that stated that if the subtotal was greater than 1000.00 then take 5% off. Then I added a condional stament with that basic math function.
Hello again,
Well, once again we'll need more information. At this point, we'll need to know the steps you've taken so far to try and get your discounts to take effect. Which actions have you added, etc.?
I figured this one out! Thanks for your reply. I have posted another question. If I can have some assistance with that I would greatly appriciate it.
Please provide us with more details and we can assist you! Have you already logged on for the first time and synced with a QB database? If so, are you trying to access the same database or are you trying to manage multiple QB databases? Are you the admin of this account? Are you wanting to set up a new user? ...
I have built some logic in the sales order screen using conditional statements to automatclly discount sales orders 5% when the subtotal reaches $1000.00. It is not working. I do not know what i have done wrong.