I am able to log in on my laptop, but when I try to log in on my desktop I get an error message stating that I am not registered.
I would suggest is taking a look at how this currently done for Invoices, specifically looking at the report properties from the Invoice_PrintPreview screen. If you dig into the report properties you’ll notice this report takes advantage of the Filter Options. This filter only includes the Invoice with the RecordID that is currently ...
This worked great. THank you. I also need to add some sales rep contact info so vendors (via purchase orders) and customers (via quotes) contact the sales person directly. How do I add that table to my PO and Quote report form?
I added a 'report' at the bottom of my purchase order screen and quote screen so my sales people can view and email the selected form but my report includes ALL quotes. How do I tweak this so only the selected quote is showing? Thanks, Laura
Hi Laura,
The reason for this is because the report is being built from a specific table and by default will only list these fields, in this case only fields from the PurchaseOrder table. The AccountNumber and Email fields you’re looking for are found in the separate Vendor table.
What you’ll need to do is add the two linked fields to the ...
I am creating a new report for my purchase orders and I don't see a few fields to map to my form. Account Number (the alfa numeric given to me by my vendors) and also the Vendor email address. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks, Laura
Joe sent in some questions about the CRM app:
"I have a couple of questions concerning the CRM app.
I can see how we could structure Method to work the way we want with some coding. Is there any documentation on how to use the actions? I could figure it out from the examples but it would be easier with some ...
The easiest way to get this done is by using the Character Function action. This allows you to join the subject line (Type In) with the name field (Value From Screen) in a variety of different styles i.e. join with space or join with comma and assign the newly joined value to an Action Result. Then, by using the Send Email action, ...
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your replay..
i got the some php source from this link..
nusoap.php is the file while supports all soap funtionalities it seems...
when i tried with one of the ASP.NET webservice .asmx file , it is connecting to the webservice and its not returning any value..
then i've ...
Hi Navaneethan,
We haven't created any PHP or Coldfusion examples yet. But all you need to do is consume the web service the way you would any other .net web service. There's lots out there on google about using web services with PHP. One tool that looks promising is:
I'd like to ...