When I preview my report everything looks great. When I do print preview method where it rips it to pdf. All my fonts go to MS San sarif and my logo gets distorted.
How do I preserve the original look?
I figured it out. When you overlap fields you will get the red boxes as warnings and it will not show correctly in the html view.
When using a print preview method - is the format of the report html?
When designing a report in the report designer the preview looks great but when i check the HTML preview and the "print preview" use of the report looks disorientated. Also, in the report designer I notice red squares with "<>" on certain objects i have added tot he report.
Thanks in advance!
How do add an extra detail table to reference in an already exiting report? I see where i can add the tables when creating a new report from scratch. But how do i do this after the report has been created?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock or don’t have a clue what the “Internet” is, you’ve probably heard of the sites called Facebook and LinkedIn. Both of these social networking sites have grown in popularity over the last few years.
Method now has a developer network group available on Facebook and LinkedIn. ...
Yes, you read the title right. While at the QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions Conference I was asked not once, but on a couple of occasions, if it was possible to not have Method update QuickBooks in real time.
Can you say baffled? I was, especially after we worked so hard to have the integration seamless and not require any ...
Hi there. Val and Kris won't be in the office until Monday, so perhaps I can help.
From what I understand, you have a child table (we'll call "InvoiceOtherDetail") and a parent table (Invoice). What you want to do is put a grid on the screen for this child table so that when you are creating an invoice you can also ...
Ability to capture extra data with an invoice from a grid. Similar to what is done in a standard invoice with the InvoiceLineItems grid in which the invoice screen uses the invoice table but also inserts records into the InvoiceLine table and creates a relationship between the records in the two tables so that when the invoice is ...
We have a slight problem here at Method. We have rebranded a "developer" as someone who develops their own system. Afterall, Method is a platform that is all drag and drop, no programming. But the old school way of thinking is that only a programmer can be called a developer. This leaves those who actually ...
Yes, if you are getting that pop-up that means the same thing is occurring in the other screen.