Hi Jacob,
I'm back on the forum! :)
Okay, it doesn't sound too complicated what you are trying to do. Can you perhaps create an account for me in Method so that I can take a look at what you were trying to do? Probably just something small that needs to be changed.
Has there been any consideration for the larger companies running the QB Database Server Manager hosting the files across their network? In other words...can the Method Integration Engine listen on the server and push the info up to the web without having a copy of the QB program running on the server? (which we don't)
We're looking at switching our company over to pre-billing.
Will method support batch credit card processing for pre-billing?
Please let me know if you need additional information to answer this question.
Thank you -
Right now we are concentrating on making sure that we tie up all the loose ends before we move onto the next projects (finishing up screen permissions, calendar recurring scheduling, compatibility with FireFox, etc.) We'll be releasing our latest finishing touches next week - as we haven't done an update for a couple weeks now, and a ...
Great! Thanks Paul - Looks like I have my Friday night entertainment!
Thanks Paul - I'd like to use the tool to replace or at least supplement our current intranet
1. Drag a report object onto your design screen.
2. Edi the report object.
3. Click the link to open the report designer. It installs it if you don't have it, otherwise, it runs what you have already installed.
Hi Jacob,
Great question.
The bad news is no, Method doesn't yet do this.
The good news is that, yes, Method will do this.
The even better news is that, really, we're pretty much already there. Right now you can create a field in a table with the data type "Picture". When this is put on a screen you get an ...
Hi guys - Do you have an idea when the scheduling portion of the system may be available to test?
The more I play with the system the more impressed I am with its flexibility and usefullness.
Thank you and have a great day and thank you -
can you add a regular file to an entry? In other words, this would enable us to create a basic library/intranet on the system.