Method Community



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  • Re: Customer Message in Method

    Which &#39;Customer Message&#39; are you referring to? You can add an action call &quot;Show Message&quot; which will display a message on the screen when it is time for that action to occur.&nbsp; I&#39;m not sure if this is the message you are talking about. As for the &#39;library&#39; I can only assume that you are speaking about the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-28-2008
  • Re: Accounting software does not support edits on this list

    Hi Pat, I am actually using the same version of QuickBooks as you are so I should be able to duplicate the issue you are having.&nbsp; Can you please let me know which table you were using for your screen?&nbsp; Also, which fields you added onto your screen?&nbsp; Then I can try and recreate the screen on my end and hopefully get the same error ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-28-2008
  • Customer Message in Method

    Hi, &nbsp; I added a Customer Message when entering a&nbsp;sales order in Method and&nbsp;the message&nbsp;does not save.&nbsp; How does this work? ALso, where is the library located? Thanks, Pat
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Pat on 07-26-2008
  • Adding fields to the SalesOrderLine

    Hi, I added 2 fields - Picked and PONumber. The PONumber is showing in the Custom screen for Sales Orders, but not where I thought it would be.&nbsp; I thought it would be on the line where the items are. The Picked one did not show up anywhere, but perhaps I forgot to click to have it auto added where necessary. It is on the list in the Add ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Pat on 07-26-2008
  • Sync and U/M

    Hi, The sync did not update the U/M(s) that were added to the item in QB after the item was originally entered. As a result, none of the sales orders for those items would show in the item list in the SO column in Method.&nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Pat on 07-26-2008
  • Accounting software does not support edits on this list

    Hi, I just tried creating a custom screen and&nbsp;this message appeared on Save: This record could not be saved. The version of your accounting software does not support edits on this list or transaction from 3rd party software. I&#39;m using Enterprise 8 US.&nbsp; Is there something else in&nbsp;a QB&nbsp;file, other than Company Preferences, ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Pat on 07-26-2008
  • Beta pricing: Dollars and cents

    So whats the most common question I receive about Method? Sitting at the top of the list would be What is Method? The second most common question is - How much is it going to cost? We are very excited to say that we have finalized pricing for our beta users. &nbsp;&nbsp; We will also be grandfathering these prices for all beta users who are ...
    Posted to Blog (Weblog) by Anonymous on 07-24-2008
  • Re: Linking user-created tables

    When linking user-created tables in Method it should be exactly the same way as linking QB linked tables.&nbsp; This of course is assuming that you are trying to create a drop-down list on a table (or creating a relationship). If I am off track with what you are trying to do, let me know what is happening right now for you.&nbsp; What steps you ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-24-2008
  • Re: Credit Card Processing - Additional Credit Card Company

    Hi Michael, Welcome to the beta user forum!&nbsp; Im looking forward to your feedback on Method. We will be adding as well as a few other major credit card processing companies, such as PayPal to Method.&nbsp; However, right now we are swamped with trying to get Method out of beta and into production.&nbsp; Check back with us in a ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 07-24-2008
  • Linking user-created tables

    Is it possible to link user-created tables so that they can be used in the same manner as QBs linked tables?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mdyer on 07-23-2008
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