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  • Re: QuickBooks versions and Method

    I&#39;m about to try having Method integrate with&nbsp;3 QuickBooks files on one computer.&nbsp; One file in QB 2004, and two QB 2008 files.&nbsp; Any pitfalls I need to be aware of? -Mary Longacre 703-299-0802
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 05-26-2008
  • Using a 800 X 600 display resolution? Now might be time to upgrade.

    Ever feel like you cant get enough windows to appear on the screen?&nbsp; Or need to minimize the ones that are open because you cant view two windows at a time? If youre using a monitor that is only capable of viewing screen resolutions of 800 X 600, it might time to update your monitor or video card.&nbsp; In the case of a laptop, youll be ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 05-23-2008
  • Re: Today's version - Shared Values and Third Party Portal Links

    Funny.&nbsp; I got the same &quot;Slow Down&quot; look from Danny in the office on Monday morning :) But we&#39;re not slowing down.&nbsp; We&#39;re only getting started.&nbsp; Don&#39;t worry, you&#39;re not behind the curve - and our job is to make sure you stay ahead of it with us.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 05-21-2008
  • Re: Today's version - Shared Values and Third Party Portal Links

    Slow down guys,&nbsp; I am busy and haven&#39;t had time to play with it too much.&nbsp; I&#39;m fixin to get behind the curb.&nbsp; Aren&#39;t I Paul?&nbsp; Oh, if you need to know what &quot;fixin&quot; means, Paul knows.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Answer Man on 05-21-2008
  • Today's version - Shared Values and Third Party Portal Links

    We did an update today, so I thought I&#39;d bring you up to speed with some of the new things to look for. A. Action List organized - finally. B. New Actions: &quot;Assign Value to Shared Result&quot; and &quot;Get Value From Shared Result&quot; C. New Action: Create Third Party Portal Link&nbsp; A. Action List organized - finally. The list of ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 05-18-2008
  • QuickBooks versions and Method

    When it comes to QuickBooks versions, a common question being asked is &quot;What version you need to work with Method?&quot;&nbsp; Ive answered this question below. If youre a UK, Australian or Canadian QuickBooks user, youll need 2008 or higher (with all of the latest updates installed).&nbsp; These versions of QuickBooks use a different ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 05-16-2008
  • Re: Uploading a logo - error?

    Good Morning Mary, Thanks for the detailed description and feedback. Could you please email me a copy of the logo that you were trying to import into Method?&nbsp; I would like to try it on my end and see if I can duplicate it.&nbsp; Just send me an email with the logo as an attachment to Regarding screen sizes.&nbsp; I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 05-14-2008
  • Uploading a logo - error?

    Hi guys- I tried to upload a logo to replace Method&#39;s and got an error message:&nbsp; &quot;Sorry, but you&#39;ve encountered an error try to view this page. If you continue to experience problems please try and close your browser, open a new browser and log back in.&quot; (ps - should you replace&nbsp;&quot;try&quot;&nbsp;with ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 05-13-2008
  • Re: Third Party Portal

    Kevin - one tip for you on your portal. If you don&#39;t want the first section appearing on the left hand side, you can go to customize the screen, click the Advanced button, and then uncheck &quot;Show First Section To Left Of Screen&quot;.&nbsp; Right now, since you removed the first section from the original screen, the Address Info has taken ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 05-10-2008
  • Demo: Customization - get your creative juices flowing

    We&#39;re back in Toronto now, after our visits to the Intuit offices in Plano and Tucson.&nbsp; Though we&#39;ll miss the TexMex&nbsp;&amp; Mexican&nbsp;feasts and catching up with other Intuit Developer partners, it is good to be back home.&nbsp; Based on the feedback we received from Intuit staff, Method is in for quite a ride over the next ...
    Posted to Blog (Weblog) by Method_Paul on 05-09-2008
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