Method Community



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  • November has come and gone

    The short story: despite our intention to get Method out into beta in November, we have now moved the beta to start in January. The long story: talking to the accountants and consultants at the Sleeter Conference last month revealed some interesting insights that caused us to sit back and make sure that when we do go into beta, we go in with the ...
    Posted to Blog (Weblog) by Method_Paul on 11-24-2007
  • Re: Introducing myself to the Method community

    Hi Brandon, It was great meeting you at the show.&nbsp; I&#39;m glad to see you made your way to the user forum without any trouble!&nbsp; I&#39;m just as excited as you are to get Method into Beta and we&#39;re working really hard to get it ready.&nbsp; Have a great week!
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 11-05-2007
  • Re: Introducing myself to the Method community

    Danny, thanks for the e-mail, I&#39;m signed up here now and sitting on go...I&#39;m stoked about this new product and enjoyed your demo in Vegas despite the technical difficulties.&nbsp; I&#39;m ready to jump in and get busy on this product. &nbsp;Thanks again, &nbsp;
  • Re: Introduction and Interest!

    Hey Kevin, It has&nbsp;been a while!&nbsp; Glad to see you made your way to the forum and are liking what you see so far.&nbsp; I can&#39;t wait till you get a chance to play with Method.&nbsp; You will&nbsp;absolutely love it! Cheers, Danny Do Couto Method Integration &nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 11-01-2007
  • Last day of the Sleeter Convention 2007...

    It&#39;s our last day here in Las Vegas and what an experience this conference has been.&nbsp; The amount of knowledge you can gain in a matter of three days is definitely worth the trip to Vegas and the convention.&nbsp; You meet people from all kinds of backgrounds and specialties from all over the United States and Canada.&nbsp; I know myself ...
    Posted to Blog (Weblog) by Anonymous on 10-26-2007
  • We're here......Viva Las Vegas.....

    Alright, so here I am writing my inaugural blog post and let me just say, its definitely not the type of writing I am use to doing.&nbsp; Point being - bear with me on this.&nbsp; Im sure over time; it will only get better (and more interesting).&nbsp; Anyway, I wanted to share with you what happened here in Vegas today. So we all go ...
    Posted to Blog (Weblog) by Anonymous on 10-24-2007
  • Introduction and Interest!

    Hello,&nbsp; My name is Kevin Taylor.&nbsp; I am a trainer of QXpress to many different service based&nbsp;companies in the U.S.&nbsp; I also have been using QXpress software in my own service based company for 5 years now.&nbsp; I am very exited about Method, and look forward to seeing the product as soon as I can.&nbsp; I am sure you guys have ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Answer Man on 10-23-2007
  • Introducing myself to the Method community

    Hi everyone, Id like to take a minute to introduce myself to you and the rest of the Method community.&nbsp; I figure its only good practice to do so, seeing as you will probably see me around the forums every so often.&nbsp; Okay, maybe more than that, but whos keeping tabs anyway?&nbsp; My name is Danny Do Couto and I am the Consultant ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 10-23-2007
  • Welcome to the Method Forum and community…..

    On behalf of the team here at Method, Id like to give you a warm welcome to the Method Forum and online community.&nbsp; This forum is by far the best way to keep in touch and communicate with the Method team members and the rest of the Method community.&nbsp; We have worked very hard over the last few months to get Method where it is ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 10-23-2007
  • And so it begins…

    And so it begins Hours from now we will finally be able to tell the world about what has made us so excited over the last year.&nbsp; Well, maybe not the whole world, but at least all the accountants and consultants attending this years Sleeter Conference in Las Vegas. Our website does a good job explaining what ...
    Posted to Blog (Weblog) by Method_Paul on 10-23-2007
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