Hi Debbullocksmith,
Are you sure they are duplicate customers or are they duplicate contacts? Do they both have the 'Contact' value in the first column as below? Do they have the same recordID? If so, feel free to email me the account name and I can have a look for you.
- Adam
Hi Jonathan,
If wish to email me the account name and the screen this is happening on (and enable MethodSupport) I can have a look. Though saying that, if its only happening for a couple of users, I have a feeling I won't be able to replicate it. I'll give it a go anyways.
I'm also wondering if the screen is fully loaded when ...
Hi Alex,
We brought this up with the team back in November. Unfortunately, I don't believe we'll be addressing this in the Classic version of Method.
We're sorry for any inconvenience this may be causing.
- Adam
Hi Jack,
I'll put in a feature request for this with the team. Thanks.
Hi Lance,
The failure you're seeing is coming from the SMTP server. It's basically saying that the open relay protocol (which is what we use for sending emails), is disallowed for your email address. Since I don't know the email server setup, I couldn't tell you why its with your email or why it happens on occassion. Perhaps ...
Hi Nikki,
If you are only seeing the leads under Listbuilder, it doesn't sound like you've been assigned anything. I would have your administator double check that they are assigned. What they should be looking for is the SalesRep that's attached to the lead. It should look like the screen below (the highlighted intial is the ...
Hi sdmo,
Is this still happening for you? I know there's some inconsistency between how QBO handles addresses and how we do. Its something we've identified with Intuit and logged a ticket for. This sounds like something along those lines. If this continues to happen, I'd suggest giving our support line a call and ...
Hi Mike,
I've been able to do this in a simplistic way. I added a second attached grid of the InvoiceLine table to the Invoice screen. Since this is buillt to show all lines attached to that invoice, I put a filter in to filter out anything with 'sample' in the description for the first grid and the second grid to filter out anything ...
Sorry for the late reply. This was probably best posted on the API forums so I moved it there.
I tried this as well and it was working as designed. If anyone feels as this isn't working the way they expect, please reach out to support at 1-888-925-6238 x2. This way we can see first hand what's happening.