I noticed that the exported sales rep IDs have 5 blank spaces after them in Excel. I'm sure that my revised sales rep IDs did not have those spaces, as I typed them in and pasted copies of my entries in various rows. Could that be the issue? Do I need to add 5 spaces after every revised sales Rep ID>
Actually, she has some sharing permission, but I'm not sure that is the issue.
She can't see her own employee entry in the contact list. Maybe it's a Role issue?
?I have an employee who wants to log certain activities in the calendar that are associated with her own activity, as opposed to linking activity to a specific Contact.
So, when I log in as an administrator and I create a new activity,in the contact drop-down I type in her name. It appears that the 3 fields searched in the ...
Additional question:
What happens with activities booked outside these hours? Are they not viewable?
For me, the ideal layout would be to slide the hours so that the first time shown is, say, 8AM, but with an ability to view scroll up and view earlier appointments if they exist.
So, if I set the day start time at 8AM, what happens with a ...
Another test (some hope!):
I have a parent that has only 1 Contact: Main Account. The parent rep is the new rep I want but the rep for the main Account contact is the old rep. I changed the rep for the Main Account, saved it and the changes didn't take.
BUT...I tried it again and after saving the rep change on the Main Account ...
Exactly. The entries in the "Contacts" field on the Customer page refer to the "Job Type" field in QB.
There is no functionality/option in QB to change the rep for a Job Type - it's automatically what it is for the entity. The only way to change it in QB is to export the entire customer table, change the reps and then ...
I tested something this morning:
I found one customer that had the new rep at the "Account Name" parent level, but the old rep at the "Main Account" contact level. I changed the rep, went to the QB tab and pressed the "Sync" changes only button. The time changed, reflecting a sync, and I went back to the account and ...
Never mind...I checked the "Resolve Conflicts" section in the QuickBooks tab and found the offending entry.
I recently changed sales reps for certain customers, but that was the only field I changed. I mention this because this is the only changes I've made recently.
Now, when I update our dashboard, I get the following message in the bar at the top: "The Customer/Employee/Vendor/OtherName could not be sent to QuickBooks. This Name is ...
I don't think any of the sales rep cahnges are implemented, but I'd have to go through all of them.
The problem in QB is that when you create a new customer, you pick a sales rep. That sales rep is automatically assigned to each job type (eg. Main Acocunt). It can't be changed unless you export/change/re-import. I thought method would ...