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You searched for the word(s): email
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  • Using MethodAPIInsertV2

    Hello! I'm trying to use methodAPIInsertV2 to insert a record into the Customer table... I'm getting an error message: "Please enter at least one field array."  I've added the fields under InsertFieldsArray, am I missing something?  Thank you! This is what I'm using: <soapenv:Envelope ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by DLi on 08-09-2017
  • Pre-Sales Questions (Can 'Method' do this?)

    Hhello! We are looking for a CRM that will automate our sales process and provide better management infomation. There are some basic things that we're trying to track, essentially marketing campaign ROI and sales rep performance to monitor and improve both pre-sale and post-sale process. For now, our marketing is largely electronic, ...
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Werxgroup on 03-01-2017
  • Connection issues with Method Integration Engine

    Hello, We have consistently had connection issues with our Method Integration Engine. I have contacted Method through live chat/email multiple times and there doesn't seem to be any way to resolve this beyond being told to reboot the computer/engine and try again. That avenue is not working. Period. When I try to connect, it says ...
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Evan on 02-21-2017
  • Messages in Comments

    Currently when you push an email through the outlook plugin, it shows up as a completed task but with nothing in the comments.  It would be nice if i didn't have to click on the activity to view the message and have it appear in the comments.  Is that possible with the plug in?   with the google gadget i think its called ...
  • The API could not validate your log in

    Hi everyone, I am using php for soap request. This is my code  $client = new SoapClient(''); $response = $client->MethodAPITableListV2('comapnyName','myusername(email)','password',''); I tested my credibility on ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by milos on 06-01-2016
  • Guest access

    I'm trying to test guest access to setup online invoice payment.  I created a test customer with a test invoice, and added an email address.  I shared the link with that test customer, and was able to follow it up get into Method.   Method prompted me to create a guest account, with a password.  Once I did that, I get the ...
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Gpeak on 05-27-2016
  • Creating Custom Web-to-Lead forms

    Hello, I am fairly new to method, and want to start by creating a custom web for for my website ( that would register customer orders and process them through Method and Quickbooks. The current form ( goes directly as an email to my inbox. I have not been able to find a tutorial for the new version of ...
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Polar Stork on 05-09-2016
  • Follow-Up Notifications and Auto Follow-Ups

    Hello, I have two questions about follow-ups. 1. Follow-up notifications: None of my users are getting pinged/emailed when creating a follow-up, even using the "Email Follow-up notification to user when saving?" Is this something that requires additional configuration to get working or should this be a ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by danielle on 05-03-2016
  • Functionality request

    Hi, I am really enjoying using the software. Here are some items I've noticed would be useful to have in Method:Donor: - When viewing the main list of Donations, the navigation at the bottom is only one page at a time. Could you please add a button to skip to the first and last page?  - In this same donations list, when you sort (by ...
    Posted to Method:Donor (Forum) by TheLeaves on 04-15-2016
  • Automated Emails

    Hi I would like to send an email to a customer x days after the completion of a specific task. I have been looking through the forums and there are already quite a few threads about this topic but they are all a few years old and I thought it would be worth re-visiting to understand what the current wisdom is? What methods do people currently ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Rick on 02-24-2016
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