Thanks Matt, I have created a ticket for devlopment team to look into the error. I will keep you posted on the same.
Thanks for posting it. We already have ticket in for this issue as mentioned on the last post. I will update you once we have any resolution on it.
Hello Matt,
Can you provide more detail about what exactly you are trying to achieve. I will create a ticket for the development team to look into this but that will require more detail on what exactly happened and what you are trying to achieve.
I understand your concern, We already considered it to update the value for this field. In addition to that it will have more option like Checkbox, Yes/No, True/Flase so that user can select according to his need.
Hello Mahlon,
The Cloumn Subtotals feature is currently not available but it is likely to be implemented in future.
Hello Mahlon,
Here's my answer. Right now the only value for Yes/No field to be displayed on the grid is True /False. But we have considered it to change in furture.
Unfortunately, We do not have such option in Version manager to record the changes made in available versions.
Thanks Mahlon, I have created a ticket and will keep you posted on the same.
Hello Jim,
Sorry for the late reply.The easiest way would be to hardcode the Label object with this value <a href="" target="_blank"> Link for 10 network</a> where you can enter any website address and the caption for it. You can also use Load web page action to ...
Hello Jim,
Sorry for the late reply.The easiest way would be to hardcode the Label object with this value <a href="" target="_blank"> Link for 10 network</a> where you can enter any website address and the caption for it. You can also use Load web page action to ...