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You searched for the word(s): email
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  • Bugs when changing field max lengths

    There seems to be some bugs with the max field length for text fields in the "Edit Fields" popup when customizing tables. Since it autoemails you for each time it happens, you've probably recieved 50 emails from my end in the last 10 minutes. Bug 1: If I click on a max field length, don't make any changes, then click on another ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by smohyee on 03-23-2012
  • Emails showing methodintegration in from field

     Hello! I've customized the default email preferences, and I've also created a noreply user, as I found in another post on the forums. The issue I'm still having is that the from on the emails show this:; on behalf of; Is there a way to take the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by hycari on 03-14-2012
  • bill payment issue

    Greetings, Method Feb Ver> Bills: TemplateOnlineCRMWQBDesktop #112> Expences lines> I did a cost of good sold account, enteted the cost, put note in the memo field, chosed a customer, made it billable, chosed a class and i get a error message. I also see the delete line is missing but that could mean i only have one entry and i am ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 02-18-2012
  • Customer Payment Portal

    We are having trouble with the payment portal. When customers login using their email addresses they cannot select the payment type (i.e. - Visa, Mastercard, etc). There is a box that says "Payment Type" but only the words "credit card" appear there. How can we fix this so that customers can choose their payment method? Some ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by rbsom on 01-26-2012
  • Method Scheduling & Invoicing For QB Online Sending Batch Recurring Invoices

    My issues are recurring billing a new module we purchased call Method Scheduling & Invocing The major issue is that once a batch of reccurring invoices are entered I have to manually go through each item entered and email send the invoice. Is it possible to send all recurring invoices at one time. Also, once something is emailed is ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Jeff Douglas on 12-29-2011
  • Error while saving new record

    Whenever we try to save a new record, we receive the following message:   Please make sure a value for 'Customer Name' has been entered. It is a required field. Additional Information Action Sequence Order:1 I have seen this error before and have clicked around on the Customer table, logged in and out ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by shelley on 12-28-2011
  • Cases and emailing more than one contact

    Greetings, When creating a case, I need to have 4 people infomed that a case was created. I thought by adding the 4 contacts in the customer file would do the trick but its not working.  The only person that is getting emailed is the first contact.  I see that the person that is getting a email has the word contact, under the type ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 12-08-2011
  • Last activity field not working

    so i noticed under leads, and customers even, the last activity field is not displaying correctly.  So in leads, i pulled up a lead i had an email activity with on december 1st but on the dashboard "leads and contacts" list area under last or next activity it is both black but if you open her up as a lead then click the activity tab ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by MisterBill on 12-03-2011
  • Tab Key Navigates to the Wrong Field

    I just added a "Website Address" field to the New Lead screen.  It's located right under the existing "Email" field. I also added a Picture object in front of it that takes the user to the website address. The problem is that after entering a name in the "Lead Name" field, tab takes the user directly to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by d.weigle on 11-29-2011
  • Screen scripting changed on it's own

    It was reported just this afternoon that an error was being received from picking an email template.   Please check the Retrieve Value From Table action and verify all the criteria are set properly.   Additional Information   Action Sequence Order:6   Turns out, on it's own, the text change for picking the template ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlepitt on 11-22-2011
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