Hi Mortaza,
Thanks for writing this code.
That works better. Much appreciated.
Thanks for the follow up. I have created a Support case and added to the notes our information thus far; a member should be in touch shortly.
For refererence: Case #18791.
-- Mortaza
Unfortunately we do not have access to change the behaviour of "Show Less/Show More" has on SQL/HTML as it's hard coded within the Grids code.
But I believe I have a suitable work around for us. Why don't we disable the "Show Less/Show More" from the Grid completely? Anything over the limit ...
Thank you for your response, Mortaza.
I am currently using a QuickBook Online account.
Happy to message you that, but I don't know exactly what you mean by Tag Field on my spreadsheet. In this instance I am not importing anything from a spreadsheet, I just entering it directly into Method.
Looking into "[Object object]" it's sounds like an issue converting the array of Tags onto the screen.
Which would make me believe it is an issue with formatting. If you would like to private message me the tag field on your spreadsheet, I can take a further look. But as your stated if they have only been partially ...
I found that system setting was not "turned on" for time zone. Changed that then added an activity within Method.... it still shows +8 hours from local time (UTC + 8).
I use Chrome as my predominant browser... not sure if there are Chrome date/time settings. I'll Google that.... however might be a support ...
Hey Chen,
Just to verify: are you connected to a QuickBooks Desktop or QuickBooks Online account?
SalesRep is strictly QuickBooks Desktop. For QuickBooks Online Users it's connected to "AssignedTo'
But I do see how SalesRep is a table available to see under Tables/Fields but not in the Import/Export.
Thanks for bringing ...
Hey BBQ Brian,
Date and time values are always stored in UTC. They then get converted per local machine. As you stated this would mean UTC+8 as UTC is 8 hours ahead of PST.
I suggest reviewing your systems date and time settings. Any errors will result in incorrect calculations. First start at OS level (Windows, OSX) then move up to ...
Hey Mervin,
No official news yet, please subscribe to our Blog for all the latest updates.
-- Mortaza