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  • Re: Customize existing template with report designer

    Hey Matt2189, The path you mentioned above just open the report designer and let you choose which template you want to edit. The best practise is to create a copy of the stock template in case you want to make some changes and in case you don&#39;t like what you customize you can always go back to the stock template. For Estimates, there are ...
  • Re: Start Loop through Table Where Field Ends With not working

    Hello kefpa01, Thanks for reporting it. i was able to reproduce it&nbsp;on my account.&nbsp;I will bring this up with our development team. In the mean time, you can use Build Selection&nbsp;list in order to use it more affectively. You can even use multiple loop with that. -Inder
  • Re: Linking to sharepoint

    Hello matt2189, You can only use a hyperlink to open a website in a new tab or window. Unfortunately,&nbsp;It won&#39;t open the Sharepoint account or you can&#39;t access the files in Method. -Inder
  • Customize existing template with report designer

    Hey, I&#39;m wondering how I can open the out of box estimates template in the report designer. I go to customer &gt; Estimates &gt; customize templates with the report designer, but the template doesn&#39;t open in the report designer. So my question is: How can I open the&nbsp;out of box estimates template in the report ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by matt2189 on 02-09-2016
  • Re: Linking to sharepoint

    If I create a hyperlink will I be able to access my SharePoint account through method, it&rsquo;s fine if it doesn&rsquo;t link with SharePoint as long as I can access my SharePoint files through the SharePoint tab on Method. &nbsp; If I create a hyperlink will I be able to access my SharePoint account through method, it&rsquo;s fine if it ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by matt2189 on 02-09-2016
  • Re: Addind a linked drop down field into a grid

    Hello&nbsp;AmsoniaLandscapeandDesign, In order to&nbsp;add Terms to your EstimateLine grid, please follow the below mentioned steps: Add a new field (drop-down) to your EstimateLine&nbsp;table This drop-down should reference the Terms&nbsp;table using the Name field. This should help you in using the Terms on the EstimnateLine grid. Let ...
  • Re: SYNCING ERROR - Urgent

    Hey Audisho I am having the same exact problem. I followed all 3 of the steps you laid out and I am still having the same issue. Please let me know what needs to be done in order to resolve this asap. Thanks! Bradley
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Bradley on 02-08-2016
  • Recent Survey

    I recently responded to Method&#39;s survey.&nbsp; Question asked pertained to would recommend it.&nbsp; How was their support?&nbsp; etc. I completed but forgot to add a question from me. We use the Field Service version of Method and find that there are no specfic forums or help area&#39;s in how to incorporate them, ie.. both into one simply ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Cindy775 on 02-08-2016
  • Re: Linking to sharepoint

    Hello matt2189, Are you trying to create a hyperlink to your sharepoint account? The reason why I am asking this is because we do not integrate with sharepoint, so if you are trying to just create a&nbsp;hyperlink then it will work but it won&#39;t integrate with sharepoint. -Inder
  • Linking to sharepoint

    I&#39;ve added the sharepoint&nbsp;tab to my method account, but I&#39;m having trouble linking it to my sharepoint account. I&#39;ve looked through the forums, help centre and youtube for help, but I haven&#39;t been able to find anything. Can someone please help me on this?&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by matt2189 on 02-08-2016
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