I changed some sales rep associations for the Customers and Leads table and I am trying to re-import into Method.
I checked RecordID as the key field to match/import 4 sales rep fields.
However, for 3 of the fields, the default is "Do Not Import". When I select "To Existing Field" for one of them (eg. ...
It appears to me to be an IE9 issue. It doesn't happen that often on FireFox, and since I've switched to Chrome (what appears to me to be the best browser in general) I've never seen it happen.
Whatever browser I'm using (Chrome, IE9, Firefox), when I enter a new activity the calendar widgets shows only the date art, and not the time. This is despite the fact that in the advanced options for the date fieds, the "show date and time" boxes are checked. But I don't see the time in the pop-up calendar when ...
Thanks - that was strange. The screen no longer existed and the ghost screen was linked to in another tab. Why was it showing up on the mobile tab?
I have deleted (and recreated) the Tab Group, Tab and screens. My test was to create anew Mobile Users Tab group, a new Mobile tab which contains only 1 screen (Mobile Activities). Lo and beold, when I switch to the Mobile Users tab group using the drop-down box at the top right of my screen, I'm in the mobile environment with 2 screens: the ...
I had a screen called "Mobile Customers (2)" which was a copy of the stock Mobile Customers screen. It was in the Mobile Tab group. However, that screen has been deleted but it is still in the Mobile tab group. My current "Mobile Test tab group includes links to the "Mobile Test" tab, which contains 3 ...
Each customer in QB can be assigned job types. When assigning a sales rep in QB you assign it to a customer, and it applies to all job types. In Method, this does not appear to be the case. For all our clients we have a job type called "Main Account" and then other job types exist for personal/staff orders. Method I changed the ...
I'm not concerned with hostorical sales orders, just ones going forward.
So here's what happens:
1. At the Account Name level on the Edit Customer screen, I can change the sales rep and it's fine. The new sales rep appears when I re-open, and it appears in the Customer List screen
2. For a "Main Account" job ...
Perhaps I need to change the Contacts table as well?
It's a bit confusing because in QuickBooks I can change the rep association for individual customers on the main customer page, but there is no similar option for job types. A customer's job types all have to have the same sales rep as the customer "entity", right?
But in ...
I installed it - thanks. There are a fair amount of actions associated with the feature - it'll take me a while to figure out what they're all doing...