The SQL Override is on the grid column DueDateEnd and I want to compare it to a value on the screen called 8DaysAway. So, I'm wanting the override to look something like this.
(CASE WHEN [DueDateEnd] < 'screen value 8DaysAway' THEN ... ) Where 'screen value 8DaysAway' is a date on the screen. How do ...
Hello kefpa01,
You syntax should look something like this:
(CASE WHEN [DueDateEnd] < viewActivity.8DaysAway THEN '<font color="red"><b>' + Entity + '</b></font>'
WHEN [DueDateStart] < viewActivity.8DaysAway THEN '<b>' + Entity + '</b>'
ELSE ...
Hello MikeB,
There first thing I would check is how many custom fields you have in your QB file. The item list has a limit of 5 custom fields in Pro and Premier version. In Enterprise (starting with V10) you can add up to 15 custom fields in the item list.
Please check it and let me know if that is the issue.
Yes, 8DaysAway is a date field on a screen and the comparison field is a grid field from the Activity table
Hello theSolarguys,
Is this happening for all users or just one specific user? Is it just happening on calendar or overall Method is slow? Did you try using different browser?
This week Method has been going very slow and freezeing on calendar refreshes. You have to refresh the browser in most cases because the Method loading symbol won't go away.
I created a custom field in QB:
The label/name is "SPECIAL ORDER"
When I export the IIF file from QB for the Items table, the field has the official name "CSTFLD4"
In Method, the Column "SPECIAL ORDER" shows up in the Items table, which is good.
However, as a test, I populated an item in QB with a ...
Hi Arrowplane,
We are usually good at providing a meaningful error if the API call is malformed or incorrect - but this could be a case where the right information isn't making it's way back to you from the API.
My hunch is that it could be a data issue. My initial thoughts are for you to double check that ...
Mkhoury80 - can you please supply a code snippet showing how you are achiving the insert? This could help us identify potential problems.
For Inbound, you can retrieve a record from the Contacts table using the MethodAPISelect_DatasetV2 call - you can filter results based on the incoming phone number. Once knowing a contact record id, for the caller, you can then utilize the MethodAPIGetScreenURLV4 call to create a URL for a specific screen within Method ...