I notice when saving a record on a screen (e.g. Estimates, Sales Orders, Invoices, any custom screen of mine), all currency label values lose their dollar sign formatting. When the record initially loads, the dollar sign formatting is there.
Obviously, I'd rather have the formatting there at all times. What do I need to do to make this ...
At first I was doing that (do a SUM for records in the grid), but then I was faced with trying to manually select the first row in that grid so I just decided to load the tab again knowing this would be the easiest.
In the end, it was the easiest. Check the link in my post to see the actions I wound up using to get it done.
Yeah, that's what I wound up doing. This solution made more sense once I decided to just effectively load the tab again rather than mess with looking at a grid. Take a look at the link I posted to see the actions I wound up using.
Update: I got it working. It ain't pretty, though.
Adding to my description in my previous post...
After deleting the active record, I wound up basically reloading the page. This page is passed a custom filter for the grid on the left, so I had to grab a couple items from the screen BEFORE deleting the active record, setting these items as ...
Sorry. Should have given more context.
I'm deleting a current, active record (linked to a customer). There's a grid on the left showing other records for the current customer. If the deleted record represents the final record for that customer, I want to close the page and go elsewhere.
If there are still other records for that customer, ...
Sorry for the n00b question...but am I missing something? What's the easiest way to see if a grid has any records?
Really? Do you have any other thoughts/speculation on root cause here? Hard to believe that others have not experienced this error since QB Payroll is such a heavily used function for all business owners.
Here's a link to a screenshot of the error:
QB Premier 2012. The error occurs when attempting to Print Paychecks.
I have a screenshot. How can I get it to you?
One quick note I just remembered. The method sync engine is running as my Method admin account. I'm constantly logged in with this account on Method as I'm designing and customizing screens for my upcoming ...