Hello Matt,
Here's my answer. We will have something like conditional warning but may not be exactly the same way it was in classic.
Thanks for the great suggestion, I will pass this suggestion to our product team for future development.
Hello Mahlon,
Load web page action is not avaibale in the current version yet. I will pass this feature request to our product team.
Hello Mahlon,
Please check this forum post which explains the how can you use Load web page option.
Hello Mahlon,
Thanks for pointing it out, I believe that it might be just missing on the screen. I will create a ticket for my development team to look into this. I will reply to this post once I have resolution on it.
Hello Mahlon,
Here's my answer. That tiny "x" on the search is not implemented in the mobile version. In order to clear the search you have you clear it from the backspace(on the keyboard) on the cellphone.
Hello jashley,
Here's my answer. Here are few things that you can check. You can check the Customize -> Tabs -> Customers (Edit Tab Links) -> Estimates -> Edit Roles That Can View and make sure the staff role is checked. Coming to Ship to line make sure you have information entered in the Ship to line filled ...
Just an update on the issue, we have already created a ticket for this issue and I will keep you posted on the same.
Hello Matt,
On which screen you are having issue, can you provide more details on the screen and what are you trying to achieve. That will help me in replicating it on my end.
As per your email, you mentioned that if you go to Proposal list and select the proposal for Fred Flinstones and click the print button, you get error mentioned in above post.
You also mentioned that if you try the same thing in Method classic, by going to opportunity list and select the opportunity for Fre flinstone and click the print button, ...