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  • Text Input Format

    I have a text input and I set the display format to &quot;Number&quot; If I enter letters and then tab out of the box, it gives a warning like it should. After that it enters false into the input box which is also not a number so it displays a second warning message.
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 07-03-2015
  • Text Input Error

    If you put a text input on a screen and the caption starts with a number instead of a letter, you will get an error when trying to do anything with the value. For my testing I was trying to assign the value in the text input to an action result.
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 07-03-2015
  • Text input bottom padding

    I added a text input in the middle of a section. I then set the back color of the cell above and below the cell containing the text input to be anything other than regular. When i view the screen the text input touches the cell above it, however there is a relatively large space below the input and above the cell beneath it. Is this intended ...
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 07-02-2015
  • Section width and back color

    I created a section on a custom screen that has the widths for each of the columns set up as a percentage. I save the screen and everything looks great. I then went in and changed the back color on 2 cells in a column and the width setting changed from % to px on its own.
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 07-02-2015
  • Save & Close editor

    When editing a screen, you used to be able to click the save button and then click the close button right after and it would close the editor when it is done saving. Now it shows a message that the screen hasn&#39;t been saved if you do this. Can it go back to the old way or can a Save &amp; Close button be added.
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 07-02-2015
  • Re: Error saving Screen

    Hi Audisho, That did the trick. Thanks! Hopefully it goes without saying, but please put in a ticket to warn the user if they try to save an action result named &quot;day&quot;
    Posted to Fixed and resolved issues (Forum) by Matt on 06-26-2015
  • Load Record from another tenant

    I am trying to customize the Estimates app to work across multiple tenant accounts. I updated the filters on the Estimate list screen to show all estimates with a Record ID &gt; 0 and that worked fine. When I click on the row for an estimate from another tenant it take me to the estimate screen but does not load the record.&nbsp;
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 06-18-2015
  • Re: Collapse / Un-collapse Section

    Thanks Audisho
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 06-08-2015
  • Re: Collapse / Un-collapse Section

    Hi Audisho, I&#39;m trying to replicate the Contacts Reports screen from classic where the sections are in tabs and you progress along each step. I&#39;m sure there are other ways I can achieve the desire results, so its no urgent but it would probably be nice to have at some point.
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 06-08-2015
  • Collapse / Un-collapse Section

    Is there a way to collapse or un-collapse a section using an action?
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by Matt on 06-08-2015
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